Accountability Journal

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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Thu Dec 24, 2020 6:01 pm

3 days without peppermint patties. Still mostly eating good meals but will have some days have 4 pieces of bread, some with peanut butter and a little cocoa and cheezits. This is better than in the past where if I stopped eating perfectly, I would stop for maybe 2 months and eat much richer food than right now.
Breakfast: collard greens, oatmeal/blueberries
Lunch: collard greens, barley, chili, 2 tangerines, cheezits
Snack: 2 pcs bread with pb, 1 pc bread with jelly, rice milk cocoa, tangerine, 1/2 apple
Dinner: hopefully will be greens, barley, chili, maybe sweet potatoes
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Thu Dec 31, 2020 1:12 pm

Still eating a decent breakfast and lunch but far from perfect these past few weeks, mostly due to buying chocolate for xmas, people giving us homemade cookies, buying stuff for making cookies:
Breakfast: Collard greens, rice/beans/veg, sweet potatoes, rice milk cocoa
Snack: 6 or so chocolate chip cookies
Plan to have:
Lunch: Collard greens, lentil soup, rice, tangerines
Dinner: taco salad attempt, apples

Finally figured out how to put family's food, now including the cookies, in places I'm not tempted by them so it's not so hard to stay eating my food.

Found I can have rice milk cocoa for cravings and it doesn't make me want to eat more like bread or cookies do. Baked some potatoes too for snacking later. Will probably weigh Sat.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 10:21 am

I'm not going to weigh myself. My size 12's are still really loose and think I can fit into a 10, not sure. I don't know why this didn't occur to me earlier because this is what I did last time I got off track, but I'm going to go back to SNAP meals for lunch and dinner. There are 2 issues, one is the sweets craving, the other is the lack of good stuff to eat so I'm hungry for pb on toast. If I can just get enough food in the house I think I'll be able to do it. So far I'm still eating decent but will also have 2-3 cups cocoa/day, 2-4 pieces PB toast plus some scrounging for leftovers. Also, I've really learned that I can't have cookies or chocolate in the house. The peppermint patties are ok as long as they're far away. Have to think of something different for the holidays next year since cookies is always a part of it. And pumpkin pie.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby bunsofaluminum » Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:04 pm

you're smart to keep the peppermint patties at a distance. I have to do the same w. chocolate covered espresso beans AND I bought myself some really good, superior chocolate for Xmas and have to keep it at arm's length, really. In the other room, in a drawer, inside it's gift box that it came in.

I love it that your size 12's are feeling lose! woot! way to go!

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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sat Mar 13, 2021 8:06 am

Update: got back on MWL about 20-30 days ago after getting stuck in a cycle of eating chocolate, cookies, cocoa, leftovers in addition to MWL foods in early Dec. I mostly stayed on the basic MWL framework despite eating lots of sweets at times. I only gained 5 lbs and am back to the high end of normal weight BMI again. This weight is when I start to be at risk for eating more because I feel too thin compared to my old weight of about 10-20 lbs more. I start to trick myself that it's fine to buy chocolate and graze on it because I'm stressed and too weak and skinny. But I'm going to have to just be extra careful to have lots of good food around so I'm not tempted. I read the March MWL group's messages and liked buns' idea of having a cup of soup before meals. I've been having a cup of greens but it would be a nice change from time to time. I've found my favorite meals are greens, chili, sweet potato fries, some tangerines. Also really love lentils. It's also strange that the thinner I get, the more critical I get that I'm not even thinner. When I weighed more, I was more forgiving. I'm thinking of throwing out the scale to get rid of this obsessing. I do want to be thin, but I also want to be healthier. The wanting to be thin part is not helping me.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby Principality » Fri Mar 19, 2021 2:13 pm

When I was at my thinnest, I always wanted to be smaller yet. That was 140 for me 2 decades ago. Now I cannot even imagine being that thin ever again. In wasn’t at all healthy but it is funny how we never realize how attractive we are until long after. Now I would kill just to try on size 4 jeans, lol. The want of some form of improvement in ourselves never changes. We humans are odd creatures. I don’t think I will ever fully reach my personal ideal since it is a moving target. So you are not alone.

As an aside it is hard to find peppermint patties where I live now and that is my saving grace. Love those things.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sat Mar 27, 2021 2:21 pm

Thanks Principality, good to know I'm not alone. I do remember being younger and feeling too big even though I weighed a lot less. At times I feel ok with my weight, just clothes shopping will bring it out, but I won't be in stores for a while.

This past week I started to eat more leftovers/junk food in the afternoons/evenings or even after meals but mainly stayed to MWL. The problem is my family is buying more junk food, I've been stressed with work, and I think I hadn't been eating enough. I would eat 3 meals a day and eat until I was full but it just wasn't enough. The great news is I added in 2 potatoes with some salsa at 3pm yesterday and it kept me full enough to wait for dinner and not eat after that. I had tried oatmeal but that didn't do anything to hold back the cravings or keep me full enough. So I'm going to buy potatoes next time we shop. I honestly think that's the first time I ate and felt full when the cravings were starting. Just boiled potatoes with salsa. Even my sweet potato fries don't stop the craving.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sat Apr 10, 2021 9:37 am

Well, I thought potatoes would kill the cravings but they did not. Still trying to figure it out. I'm still losing or maintaining weight and have lost over 15 lbs since Oct. I have about 10-15 more to go and I haven't been this weight in probably 15-20 years. There was a big stretch over Dec/Jan where i just maintained due to xmas baking issues. But I've been eating a good amount of cheezits and a few peppermint patties out of my family's food every day around 3pm. It's a habit and the food amount seems to be increasing but at least I haven't tricked myself into thinking it's ok to buy my own junk food stash or baking food for others. Today I'm going to try everything, having dinner for breakfast instead of oatmeal, since that seems to help, having sweet potatoes every meal, having fruit, and I will try to call a wfpb coach. I just need 3 days without junk food and I would be ok but I can only get 1 junk food free day at a time max.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sat Apr 17, 2021 3:00 pm

I've lost 19 lbs since late Oct, which is pretty amazing. I had about 2 months where I was just maintaining after being thrown off track by xmas cookies. I have about 10 more lbs to go. I talked to the WFPB coach and she was really nice and had great advice. I'd been obsessing about what I'm going to feed people when they finally come over in a month and now have some idea. I have been able to stop the processed food (cheezits and peppermint patties) for the last week. Just like with knowing I can't make cookies anymore, I'm going to have to figure out how to get my family to make that stuff not visible to me. Maybe I'll be away when they unload groceries. Will have to see if the cravings come back to where I'm searching cupboards for their food. So far so good. I made 2 quinoa bowl recipes from PCRM and they were really good. I also tried cinnamon on my blueberry oatmeal this week finally and it was really good.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sat Apr 24, 2021 1:36 pm

I've been wanting to cook stuff that would be appealing to others to try to get more of my family and extended family considering this way of eating when I see them. I would personally be fine eating almost the same 2 or 3 things, maybe the same meal for everything but I know others wouldn't like that. I'm in this weird zone where I'm still falling off track a little some days but the falls have gotten smaller over time. Months ago, I would eat a fast food meal occasionally, now I wouldn't, and I haven't ordered junk food for myself in a few months. I still will scrounge if stressed, hungry and don't have enough prepared food. So I guess next is to prepare a ton of food and freeze it, and keep trying out these new recipes for others. The food I'm making is still WFPB for them, but will have a little bit of nuts or nut butter or maple syrup in the recipes. I tried nice cream thinking I could entice others with it and hate everything but plain banana with a little vanilla, which was really good. Adding other things to it doesn't work for me yet. I'm trying less ripe bananas and will see. That is the only dessert I think I can make without wanting to go down a junk food road. Ice cream was never something I craved.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby ~Skye~ » Fri Apr 30, 2021 8:32 am

Hi taz! I just read a few of your posts and I'm super impressed! You sound like you are making great progress. If you are looking for what to make for other people I would suggest Jane Essylstyn's cookbook - she has a pallet that is closer to the average person - I think there are some not-burgers in there - I forget what they are called, but they have wasabi. Also, I think Mary has some chocolate pudding that's really good. And of course if you want to go all out for dessert there's the Wicked Chocolate Pie - under McDougall's recipes. It's a bit of work, but EVERYBODY loves it - unless they don't like chocolate.

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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby Ruff » Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:33 pm

Hi Taz, my husband (an ultra runner) eats engine 2 recipes. Its still plant based but allows some 'yummy' extras like nuts and flour. I make whole grain kibbled sourdough rolls for him, and banana oatmeal cookies.. Maybe your family would eat some of these meals?

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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sat May 08, 2021 11:55 am

Thanks for the comments. I feel like I'm on track again, don't know if it will be permanent or if this is like when I thought I had it figured out by getting full on potatoes. That did not last. I watch Chef AJ a lot and finally decided to eat a lot of vegetables before my meals, and after a few days I'm at 8 oz cooked veg (about 2 and a little more cups), then I have about 2 cups bean/rice, and a piece of fruit. I eat that twice a day and I cut out breakfast. This is more than I have normally eaten, and when I see tempting food, I'm able to skip it.

I'm going to try making potatoes a few different ways without oil to see what's best in potato fajitas. Hope all are doing well.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Fri May 28, 2021 2:58 pm

I don't know what I was thinking eating twice a day, it didn't last. I also didn't do well with eating lots of veg since it would crowd out my stomach so I wouldn't eat enough starch, and then get really hungry. A lot going on besides that, with seeing people more and going out more to stores. I hadn't been in a grocery in a while and it was such a temptation for me. They have sweets everywhere, and new varieties I hadn't seen, plus they are around every corner, not just in one aisle. I ordered groceries for pick up again since it works better for me. Also, just being in my car and feeling able to stop anywhere for candy/cookies was not good. Things have settled down again so hope I can get back on track. Seeing my family's food was also not helping, got a little off track for a week or so with adding in junk food. At least I still haven't bought the big bag of candy/cookies for myself yet. It's great that this group exists, that so many other people are trying to eat this way. And it's so nice that this is free. Will try to post in here daily or at least more frequently again.

B: broccoli, sweet potatoes
L: lentil soup, roasted cauliflower, 2-3 tangerines
D: ? probably more broccoli, lentil soup, cauliflower, potatoes
Potatoes for snacking

Going to try to make chili tonight, and quinoa. Have gotten more in the habit of having cooked potatoes, rice, and some pre-drained canned beans in the fridge.
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Re: Accountability Journal

Postby taz432 » Sat Sep 18, 2021 4:09 pm

Trying to get back into McDougall eating, if not MWL. Some things I've noticed:
-I rarely have time/energy to cook during the week, only weekends
-It is much much much better if we can manage to do grocery pickup instead of going into the store. That is a major issue, there are too many temptations to overcome and they are at the end of EVERY aisle. Also, I feel like the ice cream and cookie sections have gotten even longer than they used to be, and the frozen vegetable section shrank.

I have been eating from a McDougall framework but adding lots of cookies and chocolate. Ready to try to cut back completely but I know I will have to have the food ready to go because when I get hungry, watch out. Amazingly, I haven't had meat or takeout in months and months, just the cookies and chocolate and sometimes leftover pizza or mac. I've put on 10 lb since May and am just in the overweight zone again.
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