Covid vaccine

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Re: Covid vaccine

Postby pundit999 » Sun Jan 16, 2022 7:06 pm

I am fully vaccinated and boosted with Moderna shots for some time now.
I am close to being 60 and have troublesome ailments. Better to be safe.

Covid has consumed two of my cousins and several friends, some of them who were healthy and did not have any comorbidities.
With the help from vaccines and a bit of luck, I have not been affected even though I have not been as careful as I could have been: I have traveled to Iceland, for example.

I know some people here and in the general population are angry with Dr Fauci, FDA and CDC and have no faith in our medical institutions, but I believe they are trying to do their best with a brand new disease and most of their advice is based on science. But at times, I have ignored their advice: for example, I have always used N95s; I never believed that no mask or a cloth mask is any good. Also, I of course only eat whole plants.

Please get vaccinated. We are lucky in this country that we have easy access to vaccines. Much of the world is not this fortunate.
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Re: Covid vaccine

Postby schnyd » Sun Jan 23, 2022 8:45 am

haze5736 wrote:I'm a little surprised by the trust placed in the vaccines given the complete distrust I see, on this board, of big money interests in food and diet guidelines.

I suppose on the one hand, vaccine has been the only option presented to the US population as a possibility of getting us out of the pandemic.

I would highly recommend people read the book by Robert F Kennedy Jr. about the criminal activity (corruption, fraud, lying, study tampering) of Fauci and the big pharma interests in the rollout of this vaccine along with others in Fauci's 40 year history, going all the way back to the AIDS crisis. The mainstream media and social media platforms have done everything they can to defame Kennedy's character but have yet to point out any inaccuracies in his reporting. He has made it very clear that if someone finds an inaccuracy he will provide an update or retraction or whatever it takes to make the correction.

You may also want to check out this site to understand early treatment options instead of waiting to get sick enough to end up in a hospital in the unfortunate event you do get sick.

Follow the data. In the countries where the cases and death rate have gone down, what do they have in common? Look at Japan's recent decline in cases and death. What did they do just prior to the drop? All of the countries that are doing a lot better than the US have all employed early treatment strategies. And not by using a new, expensive, blockbuster drug that was rushed to market.

If the vaccines are so effective and the studies so convincing, why are dissenters not debated on the facts? They are censored out of the public discourse.

Great points!
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Re: Covid vaccine

Postby LibbyinIsrael » Mon Jan 31, 2022 10:26 am

My personal experience:
Background: 12 years McDougalling after 35 years vegetarian. Living in Israel since 1978.

I didn't want to take any shots, as I've never taken a flu shot and probably no vaccines in the last 50 years or more. Took moderate precautions, but still traveled and hosted since March 2000.

In September 2021, I had a high fever -- 38.5 which is around 101 F -- for 15 days straight! Because I had no other symptoms -- my doctor checked my lungs and everything she could think of -- only on the 8th day was I checked and found positive for Covid19. I was very weak, no appetite (lost 4 out of 53 kilo weight) but nothing else -- not even a headache. As I'm always well-dosed with VitD and C and zinc, I just upped the C to every waking hour (1000), drank some ginger tea and such. When the fever left, so I regained my weight and strength within a short time, and I would estimate I was completely back to my full fitness level (which is quite high, especially considering I'm age 67) before 3 weeks post-Covid. And that was that.

Now I presume my natural immunity should last for a good long while, with heavenly assistance, as required in everything we do in life.

About friends experience:
A married couple, he's 70 and she's 74. He had three shots, as he works for the municipality. She's into "natural" so she had 0 shots. They both (!) got sick together about 6 weeks ago, he had a hard case and she a light case. Both recovered, thanks to G-d.
What does that say about "vaccines"? Of course, anecdotal, but I've heard a lot of similar stories.

But add to that the really sad ones where young men are becoming disabled with heart problems, or people suddenly not waking up in the morning ("cardiac arrest") after their 2nd or 3rd shot. Plenty of these here in Israel. The establishment calls those officially "unvaccinated" -- why? because 6 months have gone by since the 2nd shot, they just had the 3rd one yesterday or two days ago -- so they are not two weeks after -- so they call these vaccine deaths: Covid deaths among the unvaccinated.....! Same trick in USA, I understand.

An astute statement I read: In the last 3000-4000 years there hasn't been a single authority or govt. body that really had the interests of the man on the street in mind -- so why should we now believe anything they say? And don't forget the "sayers" are earning billions of dollars when they convince us to follow their advice. Whereas the "anti-sayers" have to take the risk of losing their medical licenses, their income, their reputations, and sometimes their lives (the "sayers" will call it suicide, of course).
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Re: Covid vaccine

Postby Freya » Mon Jan 31, 2022 2:05 pm

I'm vaccinated and boosted and married to a physician who is very pro-vax. But if there were a "like" button on this forum I would have clicked it multiple times for Libby's post. I've become extremely cynical and distrustful lately regarding the whole covid thing. Sad.
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Re: Covid vaccine

Postby calvin » Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:42 pm

Watch the author read his own article here:

Needle Points | Norman Doidge | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast S4: E79

or read the text here:

Needle Points - Chapter I of IV

Norman Doidge, a contributing writer for Tablet, is a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and author of The Brain That Changes Itself and The Brain’s Way of Healing. He is Executive Director of Health and the Greater Good
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Re: Covid vaccine

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:51 pm

Got my second booster about a week ago. No Ill effects. Didn't even feel the needle. My husband just had bypass surgery, and is "vulnerable". I'm not taking any chances. I will also continue wearing a mask whenever I'm in the presence of anyone who may not be vaccinated.
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Re: Covid vaccine

Postby Chumly » Thu May 19, 2022 12:49 pm

I tested positive for Covid on 4/24. It's the longest I've ever felt sick. I had the 2 Pfizer vaccines and the booster in December. I have a condition that weakens my immune system, so I struggle to recover from a lot of illnesses. I will take all the help I can get!

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Re: Covid vaccine

Postby Jelliqal » Fri May 20, 2022 9:13 pm

My entire household is vaccinated. Hubby and I have all boosters too.

My 80+ year old mother in law just caught Covid - she is vaccinated - her only systems currently are like a cold. Vaccines do not mean no covid - just means much less likely to get severe.

The mortality of unvaccinated is much higher than vaccinated. Covid will be here forever - It mutates too fast to ever stamp it out like polio and measles ( which are nearly eradicated via vaccines)

A friend is in Public Health demography ,a heart attack survivor, said - get vaccinated - esp if you have heart or respiratory issues. Husband's Cardiologists told him to be first in line. We got shots first week we were eligible.

First shot Hubby felt a lil under the weather - Better in a couple of days. Last booster arm was sore at injection site and a lil red for about 3 days. Small price to pay.

I lost 3 relatives before vaccines came widely available - one even had her vaccine appointment scheduled. My best friend's husband has long covid with permanent heart and lung damage. Be glad you have a choice to have one.

and PS - US Government is giving people free covid tests again. Order through USPS.

So I encourage everyone (unless directed otherwise by your physician) to get vaccinated and boosted - the life you save might be a strangers, a loved ones, or maybe your own.
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Re: Covid vaccine

Postby Vanilla Orchid » Sat May 21, 2022 5:13 pm

My husband just got his booster--needed to wait one month after bypass surgery. He got it as soon as his cardiologist said yes.

And WEAR YOUR MASKS. I cannot say how angry I am to hear that masking is not mandatory on all public transit including planes and cruise ships. Do whatever you can to protect yourselves and strangers.
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