Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

For those questions and discussions on the McDougall program that don’t seem to fit in any other forum.

Moderators: JeffN, f1jim, John McDougall, carolve, Heather McDougall

Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby myersf » Fri Oct 13, 2017 12:35 pm

Real Name:
Fran Myers
St. Paul, MN
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall:
YouTube Videos
How long have you been following the McD program:
Since August 30th, 2017
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program:
Health. Severely Morbidly Obese. RAGE
What is your success to date:
42 Pounds in 42 days
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you:
I eat 2 or 3 meals a day of either Potatoes or Rice. Also 1 or 2 fruits a day
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish:
I am doing a Maximum Weight Loss thing so I haven't explored the cook books yet. Not quite ready for that.
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc):
I have been sedentary for a long time. So it was only last Saturday that I started a Tai Chi class. I love it. Fitbit say's I am averaging 52 minutes of exercise after the class. I am so wet that I can wring out my shoes. Plus I walk an additional 3000 steps per fit bit.
Other Hobbies/Interests:
Big into fishing although this year was a bad medical year for me so I haven't been able to do it much.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby americaninca46 » Sun Nov 12, 2017 9:26 am

Real name: Rebia Wilson 71 yrs, old
Location: Saskatchewan, Canada
How I found out: Watched netflix Juicing, Engine 2, Forks over knives then reading about all the great doctors. Dr. Mcdougall made sense.
How long have I been following: Started juicing in July 2016, Gave up meat and eggs in Dec. 2016, Gave up all animal product in Feb. 2017.
Reason: Loose weight and not have health issues, go off blood pressure meds and lower cholesterol, stop arthritis
Success to date: Lost 60lbs, Blood pressure is normal, off all meds except thyroid. Temporary on anti-inflammatory and pain meds for tendonitis in shoulder.
Typical day of eating: Hot grain cereal with walnuts and banana, prunes or mixed frozen berries for breakfast
Lunch: Large bowl of veggie soup with beans and rice or potatoes.
Supper: Same as lunch with some pasta or just corn, peas and potatoes. Snack: popcorn
Exercise: walking, playing with my 2 dogs
Hobbies: reading, crocheting, shopping
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby Lyndzie » Thu Nov 16, 2017 7:24 am

Real Name: Lindsey
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana USA
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr McDougall: The Starch Solution
How long have you been following the McD program: Started in 2012, then veered off course, but came back in June 2016
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: To avoid having a heart attack like my mom.
What is your success to date: Admittedly, it's been a bit of a winding road for me. I'll have weeks of perfect compliance, then get off course a little. Fortunately, I'm staying on plan more and more, and even when I get off plan, it's not quite so far. As of this writing, I am ten weeks pregnant with my third, and hoping that this mild nausea passes soon so that beans and greens are appealing again (due June 2018).
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Hash browns for breakfast in winter, muesli in summer, stir fry and rice for lunch, pasta alla Norma for dinner.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: How can you pick just one???
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): Light housework and chasing after children (ages 3 and 5)
Other Hobbies/Interests: Knitting socks and cooking. We are a homeschooling family, so lots of stuff related to learning.
My food journal: Adventures in Eating
My pregnancy journal: Maybe a Baby 2017
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby Luca » Thu Nov 23, 2017 4:10 am

Luke Madonia
Location: Pavullo, Modena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy. (From Toronto Canada)
A little over a year ago my partner and I watched forks over knives. I then began reading every vegan and plant based book I could find. I tried there recomendations, but It was the McDougall diet that was the only one that worked for us.
How long have you been following the McD program: 6months
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: digestion problems.
What is your success to date: digestion functioning properly, have lots of energy, advancing in my yoga, more stable energy, happier.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: oatmeal with fruit, lunch is rice and veggies, dinner is wholewheat pasta, homemade tomatoe sauce and veggies.
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): daily 1 hour yoga, long walks in the hillside, gardening. Property maintenence.
Other Hobbies/Interests: playig piano, singing, reading, chess...
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby Theswede » Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:36 am

Real Name: Ambjoern
Location: Northern Germany
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr McDougall: Internet research, youtube videos.
How long have you been following the McD program: 9 weeks today
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: The main reason was for health & weight loss, to avoid sicknesses like stroke & diabetes that's killed or crippled family members. Also I needed to take care of myself after finding out some horrible things about my marriage.
What is your success to date: Energy levels through the roof. Perfect skin. 25lbs lost.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Oatmeal with berries or apple for breakfast. Potatoes, beans and some vegetables for lunch. If I am travelling or out with work it can be anything from a non-cheese pizza to a large salad. Evenings normally 2 slices of bread with some marmelade and a cup of tea. If in restaurants, normally a large salad with some bread.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: I love oven baked potato wedges and bean burgers now and then.
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): 2 sessions of boxing weekly (á 70 minutes). Some weight training at home, and some walking. Will eventually pick up jogging, but after the snow and ice is gone :D
Other Hobbies/Interests: I travel as much as I can, mainly city breaks or roadtrips, sometimes some hiking. I love to watch soccer and american football. Music, Movies and Books (as I'm sure everyone also do). Plus I like my cat ;)
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby wenrin » Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:35 pm

Profile for Wenrin

Real Name: Wendy
Location: Northern California
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: Recently was introduced to the McDougall site via members of a FB group I belong to.
How long have you been following the McD program: We recently moved to WFPB diet (in November of 2017), and were already following a diet like Dr. McDougall suggests.
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: My husband is trying to lose weight and improve his health, and I am trying to recover from some chronic diseases. It is our hope that following this program will achieve all of these goals in the long-term.
What is your success to date: Husband has lost 45 lbs. in 4 months, and my SIBO/IBS/IBD symptoms have disappeared. I am able to keep weight on, and am hopeful this way of eating will result in reversal of problems I have with fibroids and endometriosis.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner consist of a combination of foods such as beans/legumes/lentils, potatoes/oatmeal/buckwheat/whole wheat cereal, cooked vegetables of all types, large salads and fresh fruit. We use no oil and very little salt, and avoid all processed flours and sugars of any kind. We both try to get moderate exercise daily, but as a dancer, I tend to have many hours each week of more intense training and exertion.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: We're still too new to the program to have one yet (only started watching webinars and looking through website in the past 2 weeks), but will be trying some soon!
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): Amount varies per day, but in general we do the following types of exercise regularly: walking, stretching/yoga, calisthenics, resistance training, Dailey Method, Dailey Cycle, hiking, dance classes. I also teach aerobic group fitness classes, as well as dance classes, weekly.
Other Hobbies/Interests: We love drumming and playing/making music, photography, being near the ocean or hiking in forests, and karting. Beyond these joint hobbies, my husband loves cooking and is a wonderful chef.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby Idgie » Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:40 pm

Real Name: Idgie

Location: Southern California

Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: In 1983, I became a Seventh-Day Adventist. I was a teenager, and suddenly all my friends were vegetarians. I read The McDougall Plan shortly after it came out, and I was instantly converted, but I wads on and off the program for years. For most of the next 20 years, I was lacto-ovo vegetarian, but I would have periods of McDougalling.

How long have you been following the McD program: This time around, for about a month, but on and off for, gosh, 35 years. Wow.

What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: Positive peer pressure; ethics.

What is your success to date: In the past 6 weeks, I've lost 20 pounds and had more success with consistency on the program than I've ever been able to manage in my life.

Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: I eat a lot of sweet potatoes. :smile: I bake several of them every other day or so. In the evening, I have an alarm on my phone to remind me to prep food for the next day -- that's when I cook up some rice or potatoes or sweet potatoes or whatever. Right at this moment, I have some garbanzos soaking on the kitchen counter and a couple of sweet potatoes in the fridge.

Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: I don't cook from recipes very much. I like to cook, and I tend to improvise a lot.

Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): Not much. I'm on SparkPeople, and it's helping me improve my amount of exercise, but I'm not great at making time for that.

Other Hobbies/Interests: I love to read. I am a homebody, so I stay home a lot. And I love love love to cook.
Idgie, Southern CA
My recipes (mostly MWL) are at
My new MWL-only recipe site is at
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby Mark Cooper » Sat Jul 28, 2018 12:45 pm

Real Name: Mark Cooper

Location: Princeton, NJ

Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: I actually learned about Dr. McDougall by way of a link to one of Jeff Novick’s cooking videos that was referenced in a website discussing smart financial decisions and early retirement!

How long have you been following the McD program: About 2 years in total, the last year has been 100% compliant and 70% MWL-style. (I do still drink 2 cups of coffee each morning)

What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: I’m in my 40s and had started dealing with the onset of various maladies - aches and pains, high blood pressure, fatigue, as well as a worsening chronic sinus problems that I’ve struggled with since childhood. I was pretty out of shape - I’m about 6’ 2” and at my heaviest I reached 220lbs. When my daughter was born in 2013 I decided that I should get serious about health and wellness for her sake and mine. I lost about 20lbs with standard dieting and exercise before I discovered Dr. McDougall and this way of eating. I’ve been a vegan since 2001, but I was a “junk food” vegan most of that time.

What is your success to date: Once I started, my weight dropped to 185lbs (my weight in high school!) without much effort. After becoming 100% oil-free and fully compliant with the plan, I was amazed to see my weight eventually go all the way down to about 155lbs! My blood pressure dropped to 90/70 and I was able to stop all medications. Between being very strict with this way of eating and giving up all alcohol, my chronic sinus problems also pretty much vanished.

Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Usually oats for breakfast with some raw fruit and vegetables and a Jeff Novick inspired “SNAP” meal for lunch. For dinner typically prepare a more elaborate McDougall recipe for the main meal with my wife and daughter.

Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: My whole family really loves Baked Penne Florentine

Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): I usually do some sort of cardio exercise for 30-60 minutes 4 days a week and a pretty vigorous calisthenics routine on the other 3 days.

Other Hobbies/Interests: Calisthenics, Cooking, Art (I’m a cartoonist, although mainly a home maker since my daughter was born), Science, financial planning, social justice, philosophy.
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Mark Cooper
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby colonyofcells » Tue Oct 23, 2018 7:15 pm

Real Name: Mother was a christian protestant so my older brother, I and my younger sister all got their english names from the bible. My english first name means friend of god in hebrew. First name + last name is similar to the name of a saint in Spain. We also have 3 character chinese names. My chinese name is guo- de/ ren/. guo- (outer city wall) de/ (virtue, kindness) ren/ (humane, benevolence). guo- is my last name. de/ comes from a chinese poem and is the same for my older brother and for all my male cousins on the father side. ren/ de/ = benevolent integrity, high mindedness. de ren = name of naruhito, a crown prince of japan.
Location: San Mateo California America. Came to america in 1996 from Philippines and from Singapore (lived about 3 years in Singapore). Parents or grandparents are from Fujian China.
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: Vegetarian Society Of Hawaii youtube channel. Dr McDougall used to practice in Hawaii. The first president (Elaine French) of the Vegetarian Society Of Hawaii worked with Dr McDougall. After Dr McDougall left Hawaii, the first president (Elaine French) of the Vegetarian Society Of Hawaii decided to form the group as a form of continuing diet support group in Hawaii. The Hawaii practice of Dr Mcdougall was left with Dr Terry Shintani who is active in the Vegetarian Society Of Hawaii.
How long have you been following the McD program: since around 2010.
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: Prediabetes.
What is your success to date: Lost about 40 lbs. I am 5 foot 3, weight is around 105 to 108 lbs, and my current bmi is around 18 or sometimes around 19.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Take vitamin b12 supplement in the morning, 2 meals of boiled steel cut oats, boiled with dried mushrooms, boiled with some beans, peas or lentils, add tiny amount of seaweed, add herbs and spices, after cooking, put greens in same pot (like kale, collard, mustard green, turnip green or bok choy) and cover, later, pour over greens, stir in more greens, add some flaxseed powder, add debittered brewers yeast, add lemon peel powder, add triphala powder, sweeten with fresh fruits or frozen fruits.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: boiled steel cut oats with other ingredients.
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): I put 3 cheap small tables under my 3 old computer tables, standing in front of computer, moving in front of computer, walking, removable door frame pull up bar (about $14 from discount store).
Other Hobbies/Interests: telling jokes, watching youtube videos, reading books, talking to people in forums, collects study bibles, watching chinese tv dramas, computers and computer programming languages, learning the traditional diet, modern diet, country diet guide of every country on the planet.
Last edited by colonyofcells on Wed Dec 26, 2018 4:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby Amberlicious » Sun Dec 02, 2018 5:30 pm

Real Name: Amber

Location: Canada

Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: "Forks Over Knives" documentary

How long have you been following the McD program: Starting this week

What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: Improve quality of life and health

What is your success to date: None - still new! However, I have started a journal here and will be updating it regularly.

Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Haven't yet

Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: Potato salad

Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): None

Other Hobbies/Interests: Limited to Netflix (hoping to do more when my health improves)
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby forgood » Tue May 07, 2019 3:12 am

Real Name:

Joshua Tree, CA

Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall:
Not sure but most likely watching raw youtubers switch to it and recommended youtube videos. Struggled with Furhman and raw food diets, and it lead me to this route.

How long have you been following the McD program:
Restarting this week, had been mostly eating this way but wasn't seriously committed, have a hard keep added fats out of my diet, like avocados and tofu, but otherwise eating healthy, just got to stop buying the added fat foods.

What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program:
Lose weight for health and reverse and prevent any disease that I can, or might have that is not showing up yet, I've been obese for 20 years now, so I'm sure it's going to do me in if I don't do something.

What is your success to date:
Lost a few pounds by being more compliant with Mc Dougall way of eating. Have a long ways to go, but it's more for my health now, then looks at this point.

Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you:
No breakfast not hungry, get hungry 12-2pm and in the evening. Eat either potatoes with veggies or rice with veggies, sometimes I have fruit or bananas.

Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish:
Reminds me I should try some of the recipes, haven't yet.

Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc):
Currently cleaning AirBnB's which gets me moving. Another reason I need to lose weight, my weight makes it harder to clean. Also take walks, sometimes light hiking.

Other Hobbies/Interests:
Painting pictures, Hiking and enjoying nature, reading mostly non fiction, watching documentaries or funny movies.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby schulerp523 » Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:55 am

Real Name: PJ (Patrick) Schuler
Location: Greensburg, Indiana
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: Forks Over Knives movie
How long have you been following the McD program: Off and on ever since
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: Lose weight and get healthy
What is your success to date: Miserable failure. I am restarting as of today
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: The plan is for overnight oats for breakfast and SNAP meals to get me started and to keep me sated until I feel brave enough (and motivated enough) to try other recipes.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: Golden Gravy for my mashed potatoes, LOL.
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): None to date
Other Hobbies/Interests: Reading, TV, and Movies. Typical fat guy stuff. LOL

I have been tiptoeing in the WFPB world for a number of years and follow McDougall more than the other main contenders. I suffer from HBP, pre-diabetes, depression, angina, and GERD. My financial situation took a tumble a few years ago and have not had insurance. I have had annual physicals with my Dr and have continued my meds. I did not stick to my guns and went the easy way out eating a Sadder than SAD diet consisting of Taco Bell, Papa Johns, Jimmy John’s, etc. My weight has continued to climb as has my HBP. I am an emotional/binge eater, stuffing myself until I am miserable and then am up all night with reflux (even though I am on GERD meds.)

I ran out of meds last week and have been having headaches and dizziness all week. I will see my Dr Wednesday for refills. So, this weekend I pulled out my Starch Solution and MWL books and logged onto the forums and dove back in. I watched the Quick Start videos and am fired up again. This time I HAVE to. I am 49, 6’2” and just weighed in at my highest ever: 323.4. I am disgusted with myself. I am lethargic and lose my breath easily.

I went to the store yesterday and bought things for some of Jeff Novick’s SNAP meals as well as stuff for Mary’s overnight oats. I came home and cleared out the pantry, fridge and freezer. I will make some oil free hummus tonight for snacks of carrot sticks, celery and peppers this week.

This morning I had overnight oats that I put together last night: 1c oats, 1c unsweetened almond milk, ½ tsp cinnamon, 1 pkt stevia, and 1c frozen mixed berries.

I just needed to put this out there for accountability. You all inspire me.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby nancyjac » Thu Aug 08, 2019 11:47 am

Real Name: Nancy Jacobs

Location: Austin, TX

Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: Read his books.

How long have you been following the McD program: Have been following a WFPB diet for about 4 years.

What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: Originally as an anti-inflammatory diet to ease arthritic pain.

Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): I don't exercise per se, but I work with 2 animal shelters and a dog rescue doing doing dog training, assessment, and walking. Strength training is in the form of slinging around bags of dog food and cat litter. Doing quite well for going on 72 years old with stage 4 cancer.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby McCarlos » Tue Oct 08, 2019 11:11 am

Real Name:
Carlos Dasilva
Toronto Ontario Canada
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall:
From a Tedx-Talks on Youtube featuring Dr. Mcdougall
How long have you been following the McD program:
About 2 1/2 moons
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program:
Self defense (I was threatened with physical violence. I was out of shape a little and getting older (60) so I thought; I'm very
vulnerable, I better find a way to strengthen myself from physical attacks.
What is your success to date:
Lost bout 14 lbs and inches al around
[ size=85]Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you:[/size]
Oatmeal morning wife has some toast with Jam. On 2 days a week we have pancakes (whole wheat recipe) with pure Maple Syrup.and
me and my wife make a lot of Pot meals like stew and soups so we can have it ready for a few days.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish:Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc):
I do a lot of house and yard maintenance and I do stair climbing to strengthen my heart rate.
Other Hobbies/Interests:
To know the mysteries of the universe.
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Re: Meet The Members: Forum Member Profiles

Postby mdsimpso » Mon Nov 04, 2019 10:09 am

Member Profile Template
Real Name: Megan, 40yo
Location: Indiana
Where/How did you find out about the site &/or Dr Mcdougall: The rabbit hole that began with Dr. Gregor
How long have you been following the McD program: 2 weeks with cheats, but WFPB for 2 years, WFPB no oil 8 months
What was your initial reason/goals for starting the program: My goal for switching to no oil began because had an uptick in eating fat, and having a bit of weight loss with it, but I started getting heart palpitations, which were new and would kick off panic attacks. After eating what I thought was such a healthy diet, that was quite demoralizing. So removed the oil.
What is your success to date: Heart palpitations and panic attacks completely abated, firbomyalgia under control, lost about 15 pounds. I recently had my bloodwork done, and it is shockingly good.
Describe a Typical Day of McDougalling for you: Oatmeal with fruit in the morning, decaf coffee in the morning, Baked/steamed potatoes with veggies for lunch, rice chili with veggies for dinner, and when I get hungry, more potatoes. b12, D and baby 3 times a week as proscribed by doctor.
Favorite Mcdougall Recipe/Dish: Potatoes
Describe Your Exercise (How much, what kind, etc): I was running, change in work meant I couldn't find time so took a month up, restarting running and adding weights.
Other Hobbies/Interests: Singing, acting in local plays/musicals, gaming with my family.
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Joined: Mon Nov 04, 2019 9:56 am


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