November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

For those wanting to learn about and follow the McDougall Maximum Weight Loss Program. You can also join our monthly weigh-ins.

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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Stacey » Wed Nov 21, 2018 1:57 pm

Hello everyone,

I had a wonderful and awesome trip home. I am from Wisconsin and over the years I have become a hardcore Wisconsinite. I did a week in Madison, Wi with my sister ( it is where I went to school for a bit, and I lived there as a single person for a year). And then I was up at my parents place in the Fox Valley area which is about 4 hours north of Chicago.

I was a Girl Scout years ago and was introduced to Amtrak back then. So now I take the train twice a year to go home. Love it! I impress many people with my system to do a two day train travel. But i do have it down and it is a great way to experience the gorgeous areas of North Dakota and Montana.

The highlights of the past two weeks. I ran everyday in Madison and got to see the UW-Marching Band rehearse in a field. Wandering around buildings that I took classes in. Hanging out with my sister especially when we went to the Farmers Market and I got to find out about the Honeynut squash ( like the butternut but way sweeter). Then it was amazing to reconnect with former Girl Scout Advisors who will help out with grad school application process. And I went to the Appleton Farmers market and learned about two other squashes similar to the butternut - the doran, the saqua and the Experiemental 898! All of them are related. It was cool to taste test them in my Mom's kitchen.

The eating highlights- so much kale!!! My Mom bugged me about it but whatever. Lots of squash as you probably have gathered.

And oatmeal, of course.

And I have succeeded at getting a tiny bit leaner too.

I gave some thought as to what someone hinted at a few weeks ago on my motivation-how I am not motivated by the scale. Well, I figured it out, I am motivated by body composition big time. So I have been doing lots of pushups and squats, and planks, etc in addition to the running. So, all in all, things are going well.

I hope everyone has a fabulous Thanksgiving tomorrow ( for the Americans that is). I love, love, love Thanksgiving.

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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Lyndzie » Fri Nov 23, 2018 7:18 am

Hi all! For those who celebrated, how did your Thanksgiving go?

I stayed totally McDougall compliant (yay!!), but definitely made a couple rich dishes to treat myself without diving into the stuff that is full of oil and dairy and eggs.

I am miraculously down -.6 lbs, all things considered.

Wishing everyone a great rest of the week!
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Mark Cooper » Fri Nov 23, 2018 8:13 am

I had another week of 10s on the checklist, but I've come down with a really bad cold and have some swelling / inflammation in my ankles - kind of a rougher week pain wise. My weight is up 4.2 lbs! Not sure what is going on, but I'm going to continue being diligent and hope I get over this bug soon. My family had a relaxed and compliant Thanksgiving, glad you enjoyed your celebration, Lindsey. Happy Holidays and best wishes to all.
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Idgie » Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:59 am

Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone! This week included a work potluck, a day waiting around for my mom's surgery, and Thanks-freaking-giving, and I lost 2 pounds. No. Flipping. Way. :-)

How's everyone else doing?

Mark, I've had that gain from fluid retention and illness before. Just stay the course and it will go away!

Lindsey and Stacey, you're rock stars!
Idgie, Southern CA
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Arewethereyet » Fri Nov 23, 2018 11:28 am

Lost 0.6. I planned, but then failed anyway. This is up from mid-week.

On my way to more visiting, will catch up later.
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Rosey » Fri Nov 23, 2018 11:51 am

Last week 265.6 lbs this week 263.6 lbs for 2 lb loss. Amazing what 1 tiny silver of cherry pie can do to the weight. I was down to 260 lbs on Wednesday when I weighed. Oh well it is what it is.
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Rosey » Fri Nov 23, 2018 12:00 pm

Mark Cooper wrote:I had another week of 10s on the checklist, but I've come down with a really bad cold and have some swelling / inflammation in my ankles - kind of a rougher week pain wise. My weight is up 4.2 lbs! Not sure what is going on, but I'm going to continue being diligent and hope I get over this bug soon. My family had a relaxed and compliant Thanksgiving, glad you enjoyed your celebration, Lindsey. Happy Holidays and best wishes to all.
hugs know that feeling well. Hope your swelling goes away quicker then mine is. Mine is fine in mornings now but still bad in evenings.
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Yomom » Fri Nov 23, 2018 10:05 pm

I lost control and gained three pounds, am now 148#.
I cooked traditional SAD Thanksgiving food for the four Millenials at our table, and various whole-food-plant-based (not MWL) foods for myself. My DH was away on a business trip. Unfortunately (and eventually), the SAD Thanksgiving food tasted better to me, so I put myself back in “the Pleasure Trap”.
Time to retrench.
The social/sharing/thankfulness side of our Thanksgiving was great, though.
I am also thankful to have this group to brace me up, and keep me accountable!
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:12 am

Idgie - LOL... it appears I am very fond of the devil. I'm glad this is not a holiday that will cause you any food headaches and maybe just a couple of family ones. They weren't too annoying were they? Hee hee

Rosey - How nice that your parents eat this way too. It does make holiday get togethers slightly easier. Are you still dog sitting? What kind of dog? Cheese-less pizza is one of the few items all of my kids will eat. It's my favourite meal to prepare because its so easy (when using pre-made crusts). What toppings do you and your family like? My kids enjoy it quite plain - with onions, garlic and pineapple.

Moonlight - Did you end up making the Lentil Shepard pie? I'm considering making one with some leftover mashed potatoes, tomorrow, if they last.

Stacey - It's lovely to hear from you. I saw a squash recipe online and thought of you. Maple Chili Butternut Squash. I'm really happy to know that you are doing well and had a great visit with your family. That marching band would have been a hoot to watch.

Lindsey - Congratulations on sticking to your goal. It's nice to have a loss this week. Wishing you a wonderful week too!

Mark - Sorry to hear about your pain (and the cold). I think you have a good plan to just continue to be diligent in your MWL style of eating, it can't hurt and could potentially help. I hope you begin to feel a bit better this week.

Idgie (again) - Yes - Flipping - Way! Woo hoo. This has been quite the week and you rocked it too. Just like the others.

Arewethereyet - Enjoy the visiting! I'd say 0.6 lb loss is a success in my books. Every little bit counts... and you have a new chance for that additional loss this week. XO

Rosey (again) - I kind of want to say see the above comment...LOL...I see this as a success. You've had a good loss and I'm so happy for you. (Maybe a little jealous too hee hee). You'll see 260 again very soon.

Kathy - XO. I'm glad you got to enjoy time with your family, no matter what foods got eaten. Best wishes to you as you retrench. I've been going through that myself and know it is uncomfortable but doable. I hope you find strength and inspiration this week, and know that we are thinking of you.
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Rosey » Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:03 am

amandamechele wrote:Rosey - How nice that your parents eat this way too. It does make holiday get togethers slightly easier. Are you still dog sitting? What kind of dog? Cheese-less pizza is one of the few items all of my kids will eat. It's my favourite meal to prepare because its so easy (when using pre-made crusts). What toppings do you and your family like? My kids enjoy it quite plain - with onions, garlic and pineapple.

Yep got the dogs till the 27th. Have had them since the 13th. Kuma is a Affenpinscher & Labradoodle mix. and Peanut is an Affenpinscher & Bichon Frise

as for the pizza your making it on a pre-made crust sounds like a cool idea. We aren't that good we got it from a pizza joint. They had Mushrooms, onions, green peppers, banana peppers, black olives, pineapple and jalapeno peppers on it.

amandamechele wrote:Rosey (again) - I kind of want to say see the above comment...LOL...I see this as a success. You've had a good loss and I'm so happy for you. (Maybe a little jealous too hee hee). You'll see 260 again very soon.

Laugh. Yeah I know I"m extremely happy about the 2 lbs was just disappointed that I had gained that back after I saw it briefly.
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby starbright831 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 10:36 am

Happy to report a slight loss instead of a gain, which I expected. I’m down .7 lb. I’m happy with that.
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby starbright831 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 10:37 am

Happy to report a slight loss instead of a gain, which I expected. I’m down .7 lb. I’m happy with that.
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sun Nov 25, 2018 12:54 am

Hi Team!

This past week was one of the harder challenges of the year. I am proud of the work everyone did to make good choices that suited their needs. I'm proud of those who did really well and I'm proud of those who came and checked in after having difficulties.
But who the heck cares who I'm proud of. LOL. I hope you are proud of yourselves. Win, lose or draw this week, you are still in the game.
If you're not feeling too happy with the week, please don't fret or feel too badly, just get back to the basics and get started again. Come back, join in, welcome all stragglers!

I thought I'd re-share some of my weight loss story, which is still a work in progress. Maybe to possibly inspire some of you...and maybe to possibly inspire me. :D

amandamechele wrote:Hi All!

Thank you to everyone for checking-in this week. Whether you lost weight or not, whether you had a highly adherent week or stumbled, you are still working at it and should be proud of yourself. Keep it up, keep learning and refining your choices towards greater adherence to the MWL guidelines.

The other day one of our group mentioned that my post from the 3-day weekend was the first time that she had ever seen a photo of me. That had me realize maybe some of you would like to see a progress report in order to see how positive an effect this lifestyle has had on my health, appearance and happiness.
Here is a photo that I shared with a few people this weekend when they asked about what brought me to explore this style of eating:
I weighed 237 pounds at 5’0.5”. My BMI was 43. Most of the time I stayed in the 39-40 range, but the older that I got the more often I bumped against that higher BMI level. I was pre-diabetic with a pending specialist appointment because of joint issues that were suspected to be autoimmune in nature. There were a few other health things going on, but you get the picture.

In June 2015, I went to a 10-day program with my very supportive family, I weighed 204 pounds. I had been eating this way on and off for years yo-yoing in a 30 pound range, I wasn’t having success with long term compliance.
After the program I lost 60 more pounds which brings me to the current range that I’m yo-yoing within, the 137-145 lb range. Last year I did a couple weeks of water fasting and actually reached a normal BMI and the lowest weight of my adult life, 126 lbs.
It felt really good; and because I had worked so hard to get to the weight that I was just before the fast, I mistakenly believed the positive feelings I was experiencing were my self esteem telling me I had done a good job. I’m beginning to realize that that final leg to reaching a normal weight was not earned and I have been chasing the external esteem signals since then, all the while not putting in the same amount of effort. (The proof is in the almond-milk rice pudding! A favourite evening snack of mine. )
That is my progress report. When I take a step back, away from the short term pressure to lose more, quickly, and be perfect, I am extremely satisfied. I was morbidly obese for almost 25 years. In the past, all of the weight I had lost had always been gained back. I consider my current stall a win, in this historic context, but will continue to strive for greater excellence in my adherence level and my compliance in the other healthy lifestyle factors.
With regards to why I don’t weigh myself every week, I have 2 reasons:
The first is that there is an expectation that a person giving advice or providing support to others on a particular topic have a certain level of experience or success within that domain, which includes looking the part. A Vegsource video hints at this truism in Low Carb vs Plant Based. The secondary message, which speaks to my point, is to discredit the low carb diet experts based on their weight. This is not without validity, of course, the main message being that their information does not lead to positive outcomes and thus their weight is the result of that incorrect or misinterpreted information.
Relating this back to why I don’t post my weight often; I don’t wish to have my struggles affect the relative value of the information I’m linking you to or support I’m trying to provide. We’ve got great evidence and clinical/personal experience that this way of eating will improve many chronic health conditions and potentially bring almost everyone applying the guidelines correctly and consistently down into the normal BMI range, potentially into the lower end of it.
Someone with a BMI of 21.5 may undervalue dietary/support information coming from someone with a BMI of 26.5 due to this unconscious process.
Secondly, I am fully aware that I could be doing better, so I am embarrassed to face the evidence of that every week. I share some of the difficulties I come across so that others who have them don’t feel alone. But will this alienate those that don’t share that particular issue? I’m not sure, so I just do my best to be honest and report my experience while supporting that of others.

February 2018 Weigh-In Thread.

Best wishes for this final week of November!

Amy XO

Here are the results for the fourth week in November:

Next Weigh-In is on Friday, November 30th, 2018

Total group loss reported in 2018: 504.18 pounds

November 2018 Weight Loss Group :: Monthly Weigh-In Results
Total group loss in January 2018: 54.7 pounds
Total group loss in February 2018: 49.3 pounds
Total group loss in March 2018: 52.5 pounds
Total group loss in April 2018: 26.9 pounds
Total group loss in May 2018: 50.8 pounds
Total group loss in June 2018: 54.3 pounds
Total group loss in July 2018: 50.3 pounds
Total group loss in August 2018: 73.85 pounds
Total group loss in September 2018: 44.06 pounds
Total group loss in October 2018: 30.9 pounds
Total group loss in November 2018: 16.57 pounds

Week ending 11/23/2018: 8 participants reported a total loss of -1.3 pounds
Mark Cooper - 4.2
Yomom - 3.0
Amandamechele - 1.0
Total gains: 8.2
Lyndzie - 0.6
Idgie - 2.0
Arewethereyet - 0.6
Rosey - 2.0
Starbright831 - 0.7
Total losses: 6.9

Total group loss in November 2018: 16.57 pounds
Week ending 11/23/2018: 8 participants reported a total loss of -1.3 pounds
Week ending 11/16/2018: 11 participants reported a total loss of 12.08 pounds
Week ending 11/09/2018: 13 participants reported a total loss of 1.06 pounds
Week ending 11/02/2018: 15 participants reported a total loss of 4.73 pounds
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby amandamechele » Sun Nov 25, 2018 1:08 am

Rosey - Enjoy your time with your doggie friends. Those pizzas sound deliciously spicy. :)

Dea - Congratulations! A surprise loss is extra special.
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Re: November 2018 McDougall Weigh In Thread

Postby Svenja » Sun Nov 25, 2018 2:16 am

Great to read everyone's post ... specially about Thanksgiving. We don't celebrate this in Germany ... but we usually have a special church service mid October around the theme of Thanksgiving.

I am doing well on my fast ... so I am on day 10 ... it wasn't planned for this long, but since it's going well, I just kept going.
Fasting is not part of the MWL or McDougall !!! ... and I am well taken care of since I am a ND ... this as a disclaimer and to make sure nobody needs to worry about my health.

I will be back to weigh in ... in I guess 2 weeks :) after things level out.

03.03.17 = 245 lbs
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