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Hair, skin and nails

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 5:11 pm
by Neophyte
Sorry this is so long. I was referred to this forum by FOK. I hope that someone can help me.

I'm 66 and have been doing WFPB, 5-15% fat per day, no oils, for the past 7 months. I have seen major improvements in vital areas (weight loss and blood sugar improvements are two). However, my once healthy looking hair, skin and nails have become a disaster. My long hair is coming out in clumps and I have developed an ever-growing bald spot on the crown of my head. My nails are easily tearing. My skin is HORRIBLE. Blotchy, super crepey, especially on my jaw, mouth and arms; I now have sagging neck and jowls. TBH, I'm kind of horrified when I look in the mirror. I seemed to have aged 20 years in these 7 months. I get regular standard blood work and everything has only improved from before WFPB.

I eat 1 T of flax seed daily, lots of daily dozen foods. I use Cronometer for my Type II blood sugars and I get an abundance of nutrients, including Vitamins B, C, K, and zinc. I've been hypothyroid for 43 years and have been stable since the onset. I use Korean skin care routines.

I've been so faithful and this is so discouraging . I'm in this for the long haul but does anyone have any ideas on how I can reverse this deterioration? Am I missing a nutrient? I can't help but wonder if this is due to the drop in fat intake.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Re: Hair, skin and nails

PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 7:01 pm
by michaelswarm
I would recommend book a consultation with a knowledgable plant based medical professional. We have decades of clinical trials with no mention of har, skin or nail issues, and decades of clinical experience with tens of thousands of individuals. Not everything can be diagnosed over the Internet.