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Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 7:08 am
by keithswife
I actually did some cooking yesterday and have my fridge stocked with enough good food to get me through today. Yesterday I only had one cup of coffee and was ok with it until I went to bed and got a major headache. It stayed with me until this morning until I drank some more coffee. Coffee: sweet, sweet nectar of the gods. How addicted I am to thee. :duh:

It's supposed to thunderstorm all day, so I'm going to try to get a few things cooked ahead for the fridge. I also need to run out to the store for ground flaxseed. I'm going to add it and a small amount of walnuts each day to my diet for the omega 3's. Almonds I can eat by the bag, walnuts not so much so I shouldn't overdo them.

Today's eats:

B: whole wheat cinnamon pancake with maple syrup
L: navy beans with kale and onions, sliced peaches
D: mashed potatoes, green beans and maybe strawberries if still hungry

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 8:22 am
by AnnetteW
Keithsmom, are you specifically trying to get off the caffeine? I just recently did it myself. Was sort of "sick" two days over the July 4th holiday from indulging in bad foods and only had 1 cup of coffee those two mornings (I was a 3 cup per morning drinker). Then I went to caffeinated tea for a few days, then just green tea. I did have a headache, and then just as you mentioned, I didn't get the headache till late.

Now I'm fine. Today was the first day I popped out of bed and felt really great.

So it does work, just don't push it too hard too fast. I can't believe I'm not even missing the coffee.

Best of luck to you.

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 8:57 am
by keithswife
According to the scale, I am down 1.5 pounds since restarting the program. I'm not looking to lose much. If I can fit better into my current clothes, I'll be happy with that. I was well on my way of losing my waistline and gaining a belly pooch that seems to plague so many middle-aged women. And I'm really too cheap to buy new clothes.

I need to start a regular exercise routine, even if it's just getting up and going for a walk. I'm a lazy girl at heart, and this is my biggest struggle.

Here are today's eats:

B: whole wheat pancake with flax, sliced peaches
L: whole wheat pasta, spicy broccoli, and cauliflower
D: mashed potatoes, cooked carrots

One thing I am noticing is I can't eat as much on this diet. All the fiber fills me up quickly and I get very uncomfortable if I eat the amounts I was used to before. This is a first for me, lol.

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 9:34 am
by Michele613
Congrats on the loss. Breakfast sounds yummy. I guess I could make a batch of batter, cook and freeze so that I don't have to make fresh every day. Enjoy. Have a successful and fun weekend.

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Fri Jul 19, 2019 7:52 am
by keithswife
I am down another half a pound for a total of a 2-pound loss. I attribute this more from not eating as much salt and the increase in fiber, as opposed to a fat loss. But, my belly pooch is going down, so I'll take it. :D My poor son is really missing our fast food runs and going to get ice cream together. It was our time to get together and talk about life as much as it was grabbing a bite to eat. I assured him that I will still take him places, I just won't be ordering anything. That made him feel better. As a growing teenager, he worries about getting enough to eat every day, even though I feed him by the bucket load at home.

I'm still not exercising, even though from everything I've read it's a vital part of getting the LDL cholesterol down. I went to ride my horse yesterday, but it was still 90 degrees and muggy even at 7:30 pm. I ended up just giving him a cool bath to rinse the sweat off him and turning him back out with his buddies for the night. He was happy, I was happy, and neither one of us got any exercise. :duh:

Here are today's eats:

B: oatmeal with flax, blueberries
L: Tuscan bean soup
D: cooked potatoes, cauliflower, and sliced strawberries

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 8:39 am
by keithswife
This morning I made JanTz's gingerbread. I baked it with my oven on the convection setting instead of the normal one, and it didn't turn out as well as it usually does. But I was starving, and I ate two pieces of it. Now, I've got that overstuffed feeling again. I'm probably not going to need lunch. I'm totally starting to understand calorie density. A less calorie-dense meal leaves me feeling more comfortable. Years ago I went through an intuitive eating program, so I really do try to eat only when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. It's kept my weight down over the years but is also exhibit A as to why I have health problems. The program promises that you can EAT ANYTHING YOU WANT as long as you're hungry for it when you start and stop when you're politely full. Those twice down deep-fried french fries? Yes please and bring me a jar of mayo to have with them. Also, I saved room for dessert. Cookie dough ice cream it is! Looky! No weight gain! Gosh, no wonder I'm in the shape I'm in. :|

I pulled out a Leslie Sansone DVD where she mixes in he walking with the use of resistance band. I learned that in addition to being massively out of shape, I am also horribly uncoordinated. But, I got through it and didn't die. I'm going to hang in there with it. Tonight we are going out dinner with my in-laws. I'm hoping they pick a steak place so I can get a sweet potato and steamed broccoli.

Today's eats

B: 2 pieces of gingerbread
L: leftover soup if I'm hungry
D: hopefully, a baked sweet potato and steamed broccoli

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2019 3:50 pm
by Michele613
Well did you get to a steakhouse? Compliant eating?

LOL - I can just picture myself snapping myself into the face or other body parts with my elastic bands which I've had for ?????? (an embarrassing amount of time) and still never use them. I actually threw out one of the strong large springs a long time ago when I was on a clean binge and thought "hmmm, what does this go to?' Normally I would save such items if an answer doesn't come to me right away but on that day...oh no, I decided to throw it away and THEN the answer came to me. Such is today, gone tomorrow with or without an answer.

Hope you got out with your horse maybe today or out on something or just walking with LS. Keep on trying until you get it right on a prolonged basis. All the best.

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 7:49 am
by keithswife
Hi Michele. It's funny you should mention throwing away your resistance bands. I realized last night that I had pitched the piece of mine that let you attach it to the door. I found it laying around one day and just tossed it without even trying to figure out what it was. Now I have to come up with something to try to attach it to the door so I can use it. :oops:

Dinner was at a steak house. I ordered a side salad with no cheese or dressing, a plain baked sweet potato, plain steamed veggies, and applesauce because I had to pick 4 side items to make up a meal. The salad came topped with eggs (I didn't say any eggs, so that was on me, oops), the steamed veggies were mostly raw carrots that might have had butter on them, and the applesauce was so sweet I could barely eat it. The sweet potato was delicious and cooked perfectly. :D I just picked around the food and ate what I could. I was there for the company anyway. We had a nice time with my husband's parents.

My real accomplishment was getting through a 30 minutes high impact aerobics DVD. I had to modify parts of it because my knees started to hurt, but I got through it and ended up a sweaty, proud of myself mess. Good compliant food is definitely giving me more energy. :-D

Today's Eats

B: whole wheat pancake with flax and blueberries
L: last of the Tuscan bean soup
D: a mystery at this point. Maybe something with pasta

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 11:02 am
by Michele613
Good for you! BTW how many pancakes do you eat at a sitting? They sound delicious but I think I could pile them down.

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:22 am
by keithswife
I make one. For the same reason. :D They are dense, so that's all I can eat. I use 1/3 c. of wheat flour, a little less than 1/2 t. of baking powder, and a dash or 2 of salt. I mix this all together then add enough water to get it to the thickness I want. You could use non-dairy milk as well. I cook this on medium heat. Lately, I've been adding a T. of ground flax to the mix. It's very filling and holds me over until lunch. I usually top mine with fruit and maple syrup.

I made corn cake (or corn pudding, as it's called) last night to go with the tacos I made for dinner. It turned out great, but the recipe used too much sugar for my taste. My hubby liked it and ate a bunch with his meal. I'm going to treat it like a dessert until it's gone. The next time I make it, I'm cutting the sugar in half.

No exercise yesterday, unless walking around the store several times looking for ant spray counts. I'll have to get back on it today.

B: square of gingerbread, coffee
L: rice and spicy broccoli
D: salad greens topped with tomato and fat-free refried beans, a tiny bit of corn cake

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 8:56 am
by Michele613
I like cornbread which may be similar. What's your recipe? Maybe we'll give it a go.

So where'd you get the gingerbread you ate for breakfast...or is that what you cooked up with a GD/S the other day?

Did good...keep it up/off. I am eating 100% NON compliant...not proud, just factual for the time being. I do really really well 'in my head' but then when it comes to doing it...flub.

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:19 am
by keithswife
There used to be a member here who went by JanTz. She was one of the original star McDougallers. I don't think she posts anymore, but she left behind a bunch of recipes. Here is a link to her quick breads, which include the gingerbread and cornbread:


Michele, the fact that you're here means you haven't quit yet. You could try just eating a compliant breakfast and see how it goes. Or maybe dip your toes into the regular program for a while before moving back to MWL. You can do it! :nod:

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:36 am
by keithswife
It's just gorgeous here today! Sunshine and low heat and humidity. I'm going to try to ride the horse over lunch if I can meet up with a friend of mine. If not, I'll go this evening for sure. My son is with his friends at a theme park. It's the perfect day for it and I hope he has a great time.

I'm not sure how, but I've managed to stay compliant with the food for a whole week. Mostly because of the health issues I'm having. I don't feel like I have any wiggle room left. There have been a couple of nights that I wanted a fast-food cheeseburger so badly I could taste it or some other forbidden food. It's hard. But I want the prize more. I want to see a good report from my doctor instead of more bad news. So, I press on one foot in front of the other. I still need to step up the exercise. My hubby has the room I exercise in torn apart right now so he can repaint it. Although it's a convenient excuse, nothing is stopping me from going outside and taking a walk. :\ I've also had a few bouts of feeling week and light-headed. I think it's from going too long without eating and my blood sugar dropping too low. I'm used to eating a fatty meal mid-morning then not having to think about food until almost supper time. McDougalling, I have to eat more often. It's a learning process for sure.

Today's eats:

B: bulgur, blueberries and ground flax
L: leftover pasta and kale, green salad
D: mashed potatoes, cooked carrots, unsweetened applesauce

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 12:12 pm
by Michele613
Wow... a whole week...that's terrific. So far today I am compliant. I MISS 'crunchy' munchy food...any ideas for compliant food besides a carrot or celery no no more please.

Have a beautiful ride...make the horse happy too. What's its name?

Re: Journal for Health

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:55 pm
by sirdle
Michele613 wrote:Wow... a whole week...that's terrific. So far today I am compliant. I MISS 'crunchy' munchy food...any ideas for compliant food besides a carrot or celery no no more please.

Have a beautiful ride...make the horse happy too. What's its name?

How about jicama?