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Re: The Two Cats

PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:24 pm
by kittyadventures
So here is a quick post about yesterda and this morning

Yesterday I had oatmeal and an apple for breakfast, a huge salad for lunch loaded with beans and vegetables. Very yummy. I did add a llight sprinkle of sunflower seeds about a teaspoon.
and dinner was mashed potatoes and green beans.
TOday I have had a bean burrito,
and a cup of decafe with soy milk... I know .. it is a pretty rare occurance now maybe one a month.

but I got up too early this AM and fell back asleep and can't seem to shake my exhaustion this morning. anyway lunch is going to be another salad.

and I have no idea what dinner will be... I think it is supposed to be the noodles with mushroom sauce.

Will check back in later

Re: The Two Cats

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:03 pm
by kittyadventures
Hi Everybody.
Tadaaa A new update.

First off I had to really modify the McDougall regular diet.. Mind you if this had been my first two weeks of mcDougall it would have been fine.
LOL and the first week I did lose weight, but this week it started creeping up from all the bread,

so the last three days I changed things to more maximum weight loss so today I am right back at 170 lbs so that is a good thing.

Some things I learned though from doing the 12 day plan is that I do need to really up my starch per meal. I am not eating enough starch and that is stalling my weight loss I know it seems backwards but I believe it is one of my biggest problems ... because of the pre-diabetus and the menopaus.

I now have several different bean mix/spreads that I can use for days when i really want a sandwich or a unique taco or for camping this year when it is hard to do salads every day for lunch as it takes up so much cooler space.

because of the gluten free thing and lots of the meals being noodles I am going to try to make some of my own noodles to see if I can have a better noodle out come. THe last two days I traded my noodles for russet potatoes.

People often vilify, as did I ,the russet potato.
What a power house of filling fiber and starch.
I love my yukon golds and whites and reds but god there is nothing like a russet to really fill that tummy.

sweet potatoes.... I think they may be substantially higher in fiber than any other potato I have at my disposal. also I think I want to try growing some of the more unique south american potatoes if I can get hold of them. Luckily I live in a warmer area so I may be able to grow these. I try to keep my potatoes to once a day because of my diabetus but I fully expect to change that when my weight is down in the 130's.

Thursday I had potatoes and mixed vegetables for breakfast and lunch but I was still hungry in teh afternoon so i got an apple and a package of nuts for a snack in the afternoon, and dinner more potato and mixed vegetables on top.
Yesterday was oatmeal for breakfast, Lunch was a huge salad with a big ol russet potato no salad dressing. and dinner was a potato some green beans and on top of the potato I put a load of a mushroom gravey i threw together last night with some left overs from not doing my Mc dougal dinners the last couple of nights

Here is what I did and this is just enough for one person, if you are making it the main course of your meal,

First I picked out the largest russet I had and microwaved it on half power for 7 minutes.
While that is cooking I made the gravey
In a heated pan on low I put in 1/2 of a sweet onion(you could also use a white onion) chopped fine
2 celery stalks chopped fine. cover and let cook while you chop up the mushrooms, I used about 7 or 8 large white mushrooms. you could easily use more or less per your own taste. I cut them in a rough chop so they are about a 1 inch cube or so. you can make them sized to your taste.
Put these in the pan and allow them to cook for a little bit then add just enough soy sauce to cover them I think it was less than a teaspoon but I was just sloshing it out of the bottle (A small one) and I did 3 shakes.
I stirred it well so that everything was coated with it, Then covered it and let it cook some more. While that was heating I mixed 1 table spoon of corn starch with 1 cup of water and mixed it well, then waited a few miinutes for the veggies a soy sauce to be heated through... then turn the heat up to medium and pour in the corn starch water. stir often until it is heated and thickened well, about 3 minutes. it will make a lovely gravey stew.

On your plate chop your potatoe up. Pour the mushroom stew gravey over the top and enjoy. Ths could go over noodles, sweet potatoes or bread. you could also herb it up easily with your favorite combination of herbs or you could use white or red wine instead of soy sauce.

I had mine with green beans but this would also be nice with any veggie and or a lovely dinner salad.

Anyway that is my final day. I do intend to go back and make some of themeals I missed.. one being the stroganoff and the other being a spagetti dish,
MAybe over teh next week.

I am ending this here as this post is getting too long.

Happy McDougalling to everyone.

Re: The Two Cats

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:30 pm
by kittyadventures
Todays Menu

B: :Oatmeal rasins over a chopped apple. YUMMMMMMM!

L: Refrigerator soup. I have lots of stuff left from the last two weeks of McDougalling and It needs to be used up. I will be getting some new fresh stuff tomorrow morning for the week. IT will have some parsnips carrots onions celery spinach cabbage etc.

D: spagetti and dinner salad.

Plans for the day include making the following items to have on hand for this week:
oven rice: I will give instructions for this tomorrow.


Sweet potatoes, steamed. I need them to not be too soft for what i am going to use them in.

regular potatoes steamed, again I want them to hold their shap and be already chopped up.

Some celery and carrots cut into sticks
Lettuce for salads.

I am also going to go ahead and do up my menues for this week and will post that tomorrow.

the rest of the day involves gardening. YAY even though it is raining off and on cats and dogs it may clear out a bit in the after noon.

And I got a new seed catalog in the mail this week.

It is called Seeds of Change. It is a lovely nice big catalog.
I am going to be looking it over to see if they have anything exciting. :)

Re: The Two Cats

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:52 am
by kittyadventures
Okay I decided to do the menu thing like we did for the Holiday Excursion.
My Menus for the next 14 days are posted here. Some of the dishes I got from John and Mary's Cook Book (Mc Dougall Made easy?) I will check on the title when I get home tonight). Most of them are Maximum Weight loss. A couple of them have either bread or noodles in them... and the tacos are an indulgence made with raw nuts and seeds. All of Mine are gluten free of course so any noodles will be rice or corn or quinoa/corn.

I will link in all the recipes over the next couple of days and Some of the salad Recipes as I make them with lists of different ingredients etc.. My Ultimate goal is to have 30+ different breakfasts, lunches and dinners.. to pick from LOL.. anyway this is a start. I will try to do this with new recipes every 14 days. I will be doing some buckwheat and QUinoa recipes after this set. Sorry so many of the breakfasts are oatmeal and apple but it is my favorit and I needed some extra time to find some different breakfast recipes. I will be checking Grandma Jackies blog and Loves Kales too they both have some great recipes. If you have a favorite dish or recipe that you make can you share it with me. Variety is the spice of life.

Also I wanted to note Grandma Jackie did a similar thing with a whole months worth of meals on one of her blogs.

SO without further ado:

14 days of meals. Set 1

Day 1

B: Oatmeal w/ Cinnamon and Apple

L: Refrigerator Soup and Russet Potato

D: Coleslaw and Stroganoff

Day 2

B: Sweet Potato Hash

L: Dijon Spinach Salad, Vegetable Bean Soup

D: Jeff’s Veggie Burgers and Garden Salad

Day 3

B: Oatmeal w/ Cinnamon and Apple

L: Mexican Corn Salad, Potato Soup

D: Black Bean Chili, Sweet Potato

Day 4

B: Savory Oatmeal

L: Cole Slaw, Black Bean Chili

D: Garden Pear Salad, Tomato Spiral Caserole

Day 5

B: Rice Fruit Surprise

L: Corn Salad, Potato Leek Soup

D: Pizza, Garden Salad

Day 6

B: Oatmeal w/ Cinnamon and Apple

L: Garden Salad, Sweet Potato Soup

D: Cuban Potatoes, Spinach Salad

Day 7

B: Pancakes and melon

L: Garden Fruit Salad, Refrigerator Soup

D: Skillet Medley

Day 8

B: Vegetable Potato Hash

L: Veggie Salsa Salad, Refrigerator Soup

D: Southwest Potatoes

Day 9

B: Oatmeal w/ Cinnamon and Apple

L: Garden Salad, Ratatouille

D: Spaghetti and Garden Salad

Day 10

B: Savory Oatmeal

L: Spinach Buns, Carrot Soup

D: Stuffed Baked Potatoes, Orange cranberry Salad

Day 11

B: Sweet Potato Hash

L: Garden Salad, Vegetable Chowder

D: Nutty Tacos, Refried Beans

Day 12

B: Oatmeal w/ Fruit Salad

L: Confetti Rice, Vegetable Soup

D: Beans and Rice skillet

Day 13

B: Oatmeal w/ Cinnamon and Apple

L: Sweet Bean Buns

D: Smashed Potatoes, Green Beans, salad

Day 14

B: Corn Muffins and Fruit salad

L: Stuffed Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes

D: Potato dogs, Coleslaw, Spicy Pinto Beans

Re: The Two Cats

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 1:11 am
by Rosey
Drive by HUGS!!!

Re: The Two Cats

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:59 am
by Gramma Jackie
Sounds like a good plan. :-D

I blogged the 21 day meal plan in the MWL book.

My computer is back in the shop getting fixed again. :\ I am using my husband's laptop. When I get mine back I plan to blog about the 12 day meal plan in the McDougall Program book with photos.

Re: The Two Cats

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:23 pm
by kittyadventures
Hi everyone
Sorry i haven't popped on and updated for days. All this cooking of food takes a lot of time lol.

Anyway so far so good have stuck pretty close to the plan.

And am now heading into the second week of things.

I am really enjoying having things planned out for two weeks at a time.

I also have been looking through the mcdougall cookbook i got and am trying to figure iut what other thinga i want to try out. the book is "The McDougall quick and easy cookbook"

I really like it. It has lots of new recipes and some of my favorites from the free program.

Last night we went out to one of our favorite local restaurants and they had. A new dish it was quesadia
With avocado and tomatoes inside so i orderd it and some rice and beans.

Wow it was delicious. They dry fry ( no oil) their quesadias. Anyway what a lovely treat. I will be making these at home in the future. Also the cut the tomato skin off too as cooking makes thes tough.

On to more fun stuff

OMG my garden has totally burst into happiness withthe warmer weather. All my greans that were kind of limping along are ready to start harvesting, i was happily muchinng on some of my swiss chard while pulling weeds. Love that stuff.
Also of note the broccoli got bigger the spinach and cabbage sprouted. And i am totally excited to see it all doing so well. Bonus i am excited to harvest some greens for my salads this week. :)

Also i am ordering some unusual vegetables to plant in the garden this year.

My ultimate goall is to reduce my store purchases to just those vegetables and fruits that don't grow well in my area.

Happy eating and living to you all!!!!!!!