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Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:14 am
by Teresa1986
Ok, I am going to take Ms. D suggestion and join the no processed food for a month. I know I am a day late and a dollar short, but I am starting none the less. So here we go....

Oct 7
Oatmeal and Strawberries
This is my usual Breakfast, no always Strawberries, but some kind of berries. No milk or other food added.

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:31 am
by Teresa1986
Thanks Debbie! I was trying to find it and could not so just started my own. =)

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:10 am
by Teresa1986
Ok I am going to start writing in my journal every day. I feel like I am being a baby because all I do is complain that I am losing weight. So at least if I do it here it is in my own journal and if someone reads it here then they are in my journal.

So a little back ground I started back McD'ing September 6. Since then I have not really lost much weight. I know I feel better, but my first reason to be here is to lose weight. My numbers on everything is good. So not sure what I am doing wrong or if it will soon start showing. My starting weight was 156 and I am now 155.4. Now from Sept 6 to 15 I was not 100%. But since the 15 of Setpember I have been 99.9%, the.1% is because I still have coffee in the morning. Only 1 cup, but I am not ready to give it up yet. So I have joiined the process food 30 day challenge, and will stay with it for the 30 days. But as my weight does not change it gets harder. So new change for today. I am not going to weight my self except for 1 times a week. Next friday will be the day.

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:19 am
by SactoBob
Hi Teresa,
You have asked me to take a look at what you are eating, and I had a couple questions -
1 Do you drink your coffee black? Decaf? How many cups per day?
2 Are you listing every lick, bite, taste, snack etc. that you eat, or only meals
3 You mentioned salsa, but did not further specify. Is that store bought? What are the ingredients, how many calories per serving, how much sodium per serving and how many calories, if any, fat per serving?

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:46 pm
by Teresa1986
Hi Sacobob~

I only drink one cup of coffee a day, black.
I am putting down all the food I eat and the amounts, not just the meals. Every single thing that passes my lips are on the chart.

Salsa I guess you would call it store bought, as it is a powder that you add to a can of diced tomatoes. The Nutrition facts are:
Calories 0
fat 0
cholesterol 0
sodium 60
total carbohydrates 0
fiber 0
sugars 0
protein 0
This is for 1/2 tsp of the powder. You put 2 Tablespoons in a 16 oz can of diced tomatoes.
Dehydrated Oions, Garlic, Chili peppers, salt, cilantro, chili powder, vinegar powder, citric acid.

If you see this as a problem, please let me know I can easily quit using it. I know the sodium is a bit high, but since I don't add sodium to any of my food I thought it would be ok.

If you want to look it up on the web the site is

Thanks for your help. =)

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:25 pm
by SactoBob
Thanks, Steph,

What this product does on the label is typical of many. It says no calories and no fat, so you think it is ok. What they do is keep the serving size so small (less than you would use) so that the fat is at 5g or less per serving. Then they can legally advertise it as zero fat, and put zero calories from fat. Jeff Novick has a DVD that explains all the deception that goes on in labeling.

But if you look at the ingredients, it doesn't look to bad. Generally, you want the number for salt to be no higher than the number for calories per serving. 60 from sodium is not too bad though.

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:59 pm
by Peacebloom
SactoBob wrote:What they do is keep the serving size so small (less than you would use) so that the fat is at 5g or less per serving. Then they can legally advertise it as zero fat, and put zero calories from fat.

I think the 5g is a typo that should read 0.5g. Please correct if I am out in left field!


Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:52 pm
by Teresa1986
Hi Sacobob~

I have read a lot of Jeff's post about the way they lower the calories and fat of foods. But with this that 2 Tablespoons goes in 16 oz of tomatoes and then I only eat maybe 1/8 - 1/4 of a cup of the salsa at a time. So I don't think it really adds any fat or any calories to a 16 oz can. If you think about it I am eating 1 oz at a time and so 2 tablespoons is divided up by 16, less then 1/2 teaspoon per serving and that is what they call a serving on the can. But it is almost gone and I am not going to make any more for a little while to see if that is what is causing the no weight loss.

Thanks for you help and please continue to look at my stuff and help me. =)

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:38 pm
by SactoBob
I agree that it is not that bad, but better safe than sorry, so I asked.

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:32 pm
by Teresa1986
No problem Bob! Ask anything you want, I am here for help with this. =)

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:57 am
by ncyg46
I have that can...for 2 years now! I use it in seasoning for the Speedy International Stew recipe! I don't use much since it is spicy to me! I think I could will it to my kids!!!! :D I didn't see that there are any bad ingredients in there...

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:44 pm
by Teresa1986
Ok, so here I am journaling again. It keeps me focused to journal every day. Happy to see the 1 pound down this morning. That wa kind of a shock since I ate more yesterday, all legal, but more. So today I am working on eating more a well to see if that is the key to get more food in. I don't general eat very much, so it is hard to do this, but will continue.

Had a challenge today! After church we were asked over to someone's house for lunch. :eek: But all worked fine. They know I don't eat meat so that was no worry. But I have came back to McD since that last time we talked about food. So the challenege was going to be staying away from diary. They told me we were having meat, zucchini, salad and potatoes, does that work for you. And I said yes! Well, come to find out the other couple there, she can not have diary, so the mashed potatoes or anything did not have diary in or on it. So I just skipped the meat and have the Zucchini, potatoes and salad. Worked out well. =)

Name of the game is to keep on keeping one!!

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:12 am
by Teresa1986
Back again! =) So far so good! So I was the same today as I was yesterday. It is so weird I do about the same things and I get different results. Oh, well, no worries. So today is a busy day, but I am on track and doing well. =)

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:07 pm
by Teresa1986
Long day! Have to drive to Orange County for a meeting and back. No exercise today! :-( And way to much time seating. But eat was a good thing. Stayed well on plan and even did well at the luncheon. Hopefully I will do as well at my brothers this weekend. Tired going to hit the hay!

Re: Teresa's No Processed Food Journal

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:40 am
by Teresa1986
Been 1 week since I started the process food challenge! Down 1 pound!! :eek: Would rather have had the 8 pounds that Mrs. D had, but I am happy with one pound. By the end of the year if I keep this up I will be down 12 pounds all together. Happy with that as well. Like Sactobob said because I am pretty close to my 25 BMI I will not lose as fast. Now on to another week and another pound. One more thing that maybe be slowing me down now, but will speed it up in the end is I have started exercising 2 weeks ago and I am so darn sore it is hard to get up and down. So building muscles will burn a whole lot more!! :D