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Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:57 pm
by kittyadventures
My journey begins not with me but with my Mother..

My Mother died from her diabetus.. her death certificate will say heart failure but really the diabetus killed her... that and the toxic cocktail of medicine she took for all her diabetic related illnesses.

One of the big killers of Diabetics is heart failure... heart attacks... diabetus causes or contributes to plaque in your veins and arteries. which I think is part of the reason many diabetics also have high blood pressure.

In my mother''s case it aged her tremendously, she died at 69 years old, but she looked 93... this vibrant happy woman who never quite figured out how to get relief for her symptoms, would just get more medicine every time she went to the Doctor.

Towards the end of her life her kidneys were failing , her heart was failing, and she became a brittle diabetic. Her insulin no longer controled her blood sugar numbers, they were all over the place, too high then too low. and her skin began to break down..
She lost her sight to the diabetus but she lost her mobility to the statins. She lost her life to it all.

She should be a poster child for everyone on why you need to add good eating habits and exercise to your life..

I got very ill myself while I was visiting her a combination of stress and a cold that turned into bronchitus lead me to the discovery that like my mother I had the trifecta of High blood sugar, high Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure. I convinced my Doctor to let me try to get my numbers in control with out medicine.. he reluctantly agreed because I already was a regular exerciser.
So began my efforts to try to lower one or the other I tried Adkins and got my sugar down but my Cholesterol went through the roof and my weight just would not budge no matter what I did it was very frustrating

I reluctantly allowed him to prescribe me statins. IT was the begining of two months of pain and involuntary muscle spasms.
I got a flu bug and just couldnot deal with the statins and the aches and pain from the flu so I stopped the statin two weeks later most of the spasms were gone.. but my next visit was looming and I knew I needed to start the statins up again of find a better way.

So I went on line and found that eating vegetarina woul help the cholesterol and the diabetus.

it took about three weeks to drop my numbers and wnen I went in for my tests I steeled my self for a huge lecture
i was saved by all of my numbers dropping not just my cholesterol, but my weight and blood sugar and wierdly my blood pressure. THe Doctor was more surprised than me but to his credit let me stay completely off the statins.. Real.y what could he say, my numbers were almost to normal in three weeks.

But being vegetarian only dropped my wieght a little so, stupidly i tried Adkins again hoping it would get my weight down enogh to then switch back to vegetarian,,, IT did not work at all and I was back to square one. so here I am again only I am a New Vegan.
I would like to say I am doing it for some great moral reason but really it is for the most selfish reason of all I want to live

Not really longer but I want to live better.

I don't want to spend the last ten years of my life like my Mother unable to get out and get around. Unable to enjoy my kids and hopefully grand kids. I am a little older than she was when she started dealing with diabetus. but I am also lucky because there is so much more information about how to eat to control your numbers.

SO One week into this new diet and I am down 5 pounds. I know the numbers won't continue to drop like that but right now I am basking in the joy of it... And I feel terrific.

Life is GOOD some times, really, really good!

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:59 pm
by kirstykay
Welcome! What a beautiful post. Your mother would be so proud of you for finding a better way than she could. You say your reason for doing this is selfish, but I disagree. That is the most noble of all reasons. Think of how much less YOU would have suffered if you hadn't had to watch your mom go through what she did. Think of all the people who love you and need you around and healthy.

I'm glad you're here. I'm excited with you about your weight loss and success on this program. I've only been doing it a little over 5 weeks, and I've gotten off all my diabetic medication and lost a fair amount of weight. I have a lot more weight to lose and my blood sugar numbers still need to get lower, but I know this is the answer. Stories like the one you shared about your mom motivate me to continue on, even when it gets hard. Thanks for sharing. I wish you the much success!

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:56 am
by maggybd

That's a very inspirational post.

Very cute cat too:0)

Keep us updated on your progress. Good luck!

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:48 pm
by raven
Hi Kitty. What a great story! I'm sure your journey will be an inspiration to many of us.

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:30 pm
by kittyadventures
HI Everyone and thanks for welcoming me.
This has been an interesting week.. I started out eating and eating and eating My tummy would hurt from eating so much but I would still be hungry. My body was so completely out of sorts, but over the last three days I noticed I was not hungry all the time any more And i needed to eat less to make it to the next meal... I sorted out the fruit thing I eat fruit two times a day once for breakfast and once for after dinner to help me make it through the night,
My weight has gone down steadily I have lost about a poubnd a day for the first five days but it seems to have slowed down now.
I also ran into a problem with the brown rice I bought at the store it had gluten in it and my ulcer has been irritated for three days then this morning when I had just the rice and some applesauce it flared again.. So a trip to get my regualr Lundburg rice.... (It is gluten free)
Some places process the rice on the same conveyors as wheat so the wheat dust gets mixed in with the rice.

I was gonna just rinse it alot and see if that helped but decided it was better to go get the good rice instead.

anyway my tummy feels better tonight I am just eating potatoes this week to help my ulcer feel better. and next week I will try the rice again.

So I am on Day 8 I am five pounds down and feeling better.

Also I just have to say SWEET POTATOES ROCK!!!!

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:33 pm
by kittyadventures
KRISTYKAY What great news, and in onlly five weeks... that is amazing.... keep up the good work ... YOu will be glad you did. :-D

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:18 am
by kittyadventures
SO Last night my ulcer was still really bugging me after dinner

so today I am eating Sweet potatoes and black eyed peas.. so far so good I had 3/4 cup of sweet potatoes and 3/4 cup of black eyed peas for breakfast and a large glass of water. At this point I have some residual pain from yesterday but none of the I just ate something that is irritating me pain. Keep your fingers crossed for me today Thanks.

also the kitty in my avatar is Magneato, she was queen of the house and ruled with an iron paw LOL her fur was every bit of the luxurious that it appears to be... soft as bunny fur and thick.. She was a stray we took in and she was a champion ground squirrel and gopher killer.
These are important skills on an acre plot.

I have a blog about our animals and stuff if anyone wants to read it you can go here

Edited to add... WHew made it through lunch tummy is feeling better I had 1/2 cup of sweet potatoes mixed with 3/4 cup of black eyed peas. IF all goes well I will be adding fresh cooked broccoli and asparagus to this combination tomorrow. I have also been consumiong a good amount of water 2 cups with each meal a cup of herbal tea for a snack in the morning and maybe 3 to four more cups of water throuout the day. I cut fruit out for today and probably tomorrow too just going to add one item at a time to make sure my tummy really is feeling better. I am still not sure what triggered it other than possibly cross contamination with wheat.

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:53 pm
by maggybd
Hi Kitty,

I checked out your blog. You post about Magneato crossing over the rainbow bridge was so sad :(

Hope you are feeling better with your stomach problems.


Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:04 pm
by raven
Hi Kitty, What a wonderful, sad, brave post about your beloved kitty. I am glad you have another kitty, though no one can ever take Magneato's place, i'm sure.

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:35 am
by kittyadventures
HI Raven and Maggy thank you.

The kitties are very special to me and Magneato is missed alot.

AS to Diet well the tummy isfeeling a little better today so I will continue with eating sweet potatoes and black eyed peas. I ended up having one white potatoe too yesterday and a banana.

I think right now my ulcer is just irritated and so I am going to keep eating mild foods untill it is better.. Maybe a combination of the wheat irritation and a diet more rich in fibers.

I have not lost any weight the last few days which is not a big surprise since I got the wheat contamination. I never lose weight when I get wheat in my food.

I am hoping for maybe a pound over the next three days

anyway today is going to be tricky my brother drives a truck and has my niece with him this trip so I am meeting him today in Santa Nella and I will be at the Anderson's restaurant.,
I have to see what they have I can eat I know there are salads as I am used to getting that there
too but they also have their amazing Pea soup so I might get a bowl even though it has a bit of fat in it.

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:21 am
by kittyadventures
SO I am still having tummy issues but they are better.

so today i am forging ahead with trying to eat better

this morning i had a banana and a bowl of plain oatmeal with cinnamon.

I will be having a cup of herbal tea later and some blackeyed peas for a snack.

for lunch I am having more black eyed peas and some steamed broccoli.
and dinner will be more black eyed peas a sweet potato and asparagus. I am considering making some home made hummus and having it with celery for an afternoon snack.

and I plan on some watermellon for my evening snack!

I met my little brother and niece for lunch at the Andersens restaurant and I have to say though it probably wasn't perfectly mcdougal I had the peasoup yesterday and a fresh salad. they also offer other vegan/vegetarian stuff if you are wondering where you can stop for a compliant meal.
I didn't review the whole menu but the soup is awesome and the salad was pretty good too. I get mine with no croutons and no dressing but you can get lemon if you want I just didn't because of my sore tummy yesterday.

I was concerned this week that I would not lose any weight because of my sore tummy but this morning it finally dropped 1 pound. Here is hoping it stays down till tomorrow morning... but I feel hopeful I am back on track.
also of note I am not doing the out of control hunger thing I delt with the first week.

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 11:41 am
by althearose
I am enjoying following your journal and confess that I haven't read your blog about Magneato, as I am feeling a bit emotional today and didn't want to cry again! We lost our cat of 8 years last fall...he was eaten by a coyote and my other cat (the one pictured here) was so traumatized that I found a little kitty off of that has since joined our family. Now the two are best friends.

I hope your tummy is doing better and I just wanted to mention that I am not a big rice eater and prefer quinoa 100%. In fact, I have it every day with some veggies or beans or the like. To me, it is delicious, lighter and easier on my digestion and of course it has a ton of protein!

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:36 pm
by bunsofaluminum
Hi Kitty

love your journal! and our blog is cute :)

did you name Magneato after teh X-men bad guy? :lol: So sad about her going, but you were wise and tender to ease her from her misery.

keep on going!

blessings, Heidi

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:11 am
by kittyadventures
ALthearose, Bunsofaluminum and Debbie Thanks for all the kudos.

Yes Magneato is named after the X-men bad Guy.. My daughters named her and she promptly lived up to her name LOL. She was a sweetie and a wild cat all rolled up into one. AS to Little One and her weight loss she is a real trouper and is getting around much better now, thanks to losing all that excess weight! Which is how I hope to feel too!

I am so excited this morning my tummy is feeling so much better. I had just a few ulcer twinges yesterday and this morning there is just a little bit of tendernes if i touch it. Well on it's way to being much better. I suspect now after reading much of what Jeff has written in his section that it was a combination of gettitng the bad rice , combined with the extra roughage and the extra acid in my stomach from switching from eating meat to not eating meat.

I am Down 3 more pounds this week so i am totally doing the dance of joy.

And for eats today I am having my Oatmeal and an apple for breakfast

a snack of beans
then lunch is a sweet potato, a regular potato, and some Steamed Kale

Dinner is undecided... this is our night to get take out.. so it kind of depends on where I end up going..

I am lucky because we live in California and there are so many vegetarians and vegans so going out to eat is not the difficulty it is for so many people here. Pretty much every restaurant has some kind of dish or two that I can choose from.

So if I choose Running Rooster There are three types of salad . sometimes a soup. and three different Vegan Sandwhiches.

And if I go to any of the excellent Mexican Restaurants there are multiple combinations of dishes I can get.

And both Chinese restaurants we go to have Multiple lowfat vegan dishes.

Yes I know lots of salt but I can get steamed rice and steamed veggies if I so desire.

I hope everyone has a great day today! Becuase we all deserve it.

Re: Kitty Adventures Journey of a lifetime

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:21 pm
by kittyadventures
I can not get over the quantities of food I eat now and still lose weight and afrer week one I do not get that overwelming weak feeling of I have to get some food now!

today i actually woke up and was not hungry until Lunch time so I waited to eat until I felt hungry!
I went to the gym and played raquet ball with a friend.. what a fun way to work out!

and then for lunch I ate two potatoes one sweet and one russet. and a whole bunch of kale... I do need to try some herbs with my greens because honestly they are lacking... in flavor... but I will fix that. Anyway it was two platefulls and then some, over a plate full of the greens and a plate of the potatoes and then I had a bowl of fresh strawberries... YEp the first picking off the fields out here have been rolling into the store and let me tell you they are pretty doggone delicious.

so far I have had a bowl of them today and a bowl yesterday.

I started using the cronometer too to kind of reassure myself i wasn't eatting too much but really I am still eatting under 1600 calories a day. Hard to believe because of the amount I snarf on.

So as to the tummy pain it is almost all gone. I am sticking to all fresh vegetables right now and potatoes... I am avoiding anything packaged. I had some packaged spinach and it gave me some pain so I will stick to fresh for a while.

SO far I have stayed at least 80 percent on plan it is probably higher than that but at work I have had a couple pieces of candy you know those little mints and a couple of those mini candy bars.. you know the tiny ones.. but I am still doing okay on the wieght issue.. Once my ulcer pain stopped my weight started dropping again.. so we will see how it goes this week.

And I am getting the vegetable garden beds ready to plant this weekend.
I pulled out the last of the carrots which are completely over grown and may just end up in the mulch pile lol

This may be the first time ever I planted a garden and had to wonder if there will be enough produce for me to eat. usually we don't eat it all... this shows how little of vegetables we eat.. or I should say ate.

Oh well hubby is done mowing I guess it is time to get back at that garden!