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Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 12:59 pm
by squealcat
Feeling better ! I had a good and usual oat breakfast after my morning walk. Feeling a bit sleepy now (don't know why). Making some soup and will probably cook up some garbanzo beans too as my supply is depleted. Oh, also chopped up some kale. Just got done ordering some balsamic vinegars for my salads. Fun to pick out the flavors. I order from Fustini's and they have a reward system. I got a free bottle with this order. I ordered the fig balsamic as the extra. Love their Asain Blackberry so ordered two of those.....and also peach.

that is really all. Just feeling better but a little sleepy. Maybe lunch will help ! It is almost 3PM !


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 5:52 pm
by CrazyVegLady
The vinegars sound good!

Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 5:54 pm
by squealcat
Busy day today. I went to my daughter's house to help watch her baby boy. He is special needs and they don't have a nurse Thursday and Friday so I try to go there Thursday to play with him, feed him, or do whatever is needed. Thankfully, they are currently working from home so if I have questions they are there to answer. I really like doing this. Before retirement I was a nursery / post-partum nurse on an OB floor at a hospital. Caring for him is a little different from what I did in the nursery but some aspects are the same. He is so cute and such a happy baby I cannot resist going there to see him.

Being busy helped me a lot today to stick with my planned food. NOT being busy can be a downfall for me.

This week I have tried to eat soup, salad or fruit before meals. This has gone pretty well but not 100% yet. Sometimes I forget or in the case of today, I am running out of veggies and need to pick some up. Will do that tomorrow. I HAVE found this MWL point to be helpful though as I feel more satisfied and feel comfortably full for longer periods of time. The 50/50 plate is the same. I need to get some frozen veggies as I used up all my brussel sprouts today.

That's pretty much it ! Had a good day and look forward to tomorrow. Don't know what the scale will say tomorrow but I am getting my brain ready for another week to work on those MWL points ! Following those suggestions are important and I am concentrating on those .


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 7:04 am
by squealcat
My confession is on the August MWL group posting if you want to read it. I am forging ahead this coming week and determined to get better at the MWL points. I really did think I was following those points pretty well this week but when i wrote it all down, I could see that it added up to really missing out on a loss of weight this week.

Looking at Mark's old journal on the discussion board has helped me decide what to do. Those pictures of his meals are really helpful and I have a couple of new ideas for meals.

Will go get some frozen veggies today and also make a simple veg soup for before dinner the next few days. That will help a lot!

Time for a walk before it gets too hot out.


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:40 am
by squealcat
As I went through my day yesterday I thought I was dealing with the slight weight gain really well until I went to the store to get the frozen veggies and canned tomatoes for the vegetable soup. What I did was get the things I planned and then got a huge cookie and another single serving dessert and then stopped at Wendy's ! Thinking about it now makes me shake my head and wonder why. I am stronger in the morning which is why I should always shop in the morning. This was later weak time.

After eating all that (yes, I DID ) I went home and started thinking about beginning other ways to lose weight. Thank heavens this morning I read through all the August MWL new posts and Mark's comments. He is always so kind and encouraging. I am back on the ball today. I will make that veg soup and make sure I have what I need to get through the next few days. Hopefully I can lose this week to impress in myself that I CAN lose weight. This is what is behind all my actions lately. I have lost my belief that I can do this. The only way to get it back is to just DO this.

Starting my day with a walk this morning before it gets too hot.

Oh, my next crop of salad sprouts (called Russian mix) is ready for harvest later today. I also planted my sprouted sunflower seeds yesterday and their sprouts are bigger today. These little guys are a new thing I am trying. I planted them in a special soil in a tray with drain holes. I hope it works ! It is nice to try something new and something healthy besides !

Have a good day everyone ! Try making veggie soup today ! Looking into growing sprouts ! It is fun !


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 5:46 pm
by squealcat
This has been a tough week. I gained just a little weight and then I just jumped off the bus !

I DID make some veg soup and it tastes very good. I HAVE still been walking almost every day. I have cooked potatoes in the fridge. I have plenty of veggies too. These are the positives.

I just can't seem to stay with it more than 6 or 7 days in a row and right now I would be happy with 1 day in a row ! UGH !

I am working on my thoughts and feelings. I know what to do. I have the tools.

I think that if I can just do this for two or three weeks I will really believe that I can do this for the rest of my life.

I just now noticed that all but one sentence in this post begins with the word "I". That is a big no no in the world of writing.

Well, I will figure it all out.


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 5:36 pm
by squealcat
Still not where I want to be at this moment. Dinner was good as I had a big salad topped with my hummus and balsamic vinegar and then had a baked potato with seasoned beans on top. That was enough for my dinner. Breakfast was good too with oatmeal and fruit and lunch.....I don't want to talk about it.

Just read a post in the MWL section about what to put on potatoes and rice and also about salt on foods. Very good advice from a few people especially Goose. I will think about that and re-read again.

Will have a packed lunch tomorrow as I am watching my grandson tomorrow. It will be plain veg soup, potato, beans and fruit....oh, I will add some sprouts for on top of the soup. I am loving my sprouts !

Onward !


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:36 pm
by squealcat
1) I started each meal with fruit or salad
2) I did the 50/50 plate thing and had fruit for dessert
3) no added sugar and sprinkled salt lighty-ish over my food
4) no animal foods
5) Had a tiny bit of tofu (as a sauce) over my food once today and scant bit of tahini in my hummus (I will eliminate it in my next batch)
6) No added oil
7) no bread, crackers etc
8) did not drink my calories
9) Ate when hungry and stopped when comfortably full
10) Walked 1.5 miles today

There ! After doing rather poorly this past week and gaining weight, I think I did pretty well today.
Let's do this again tomorrow, OK?
I also decided to have sweet potatoes rather than oatmeal for breakfast. That really lasted a lot longer in my tummy so I will repeat. BUT I was going to have my oatmeal for dinner and it would have been a great idea since I was not that hungry . I forgot all about it since I have never had oatmeal for dinner before. Will try again tomorrow on that one !


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:03 am
by squealcat
Today is a fresh start for me. I continue to do those positive things that I have established for my health and will add a few things this month. Action is what I am looking for and doing those things (not just thinking about them) is what will help me climb toward the outcomes I feel will bring me better health.

While reading a book yesterday I was impressed by the line "just do the next right thing" to be truly who I was meant to be. One step at a time adding up those right things will take me where I need to be. My purpose, the reason I am here on this earth. This is not just about weight but about my complete life and how I live it. Health, of course is important because it gives me energy and strength to accomplish what I need and want to do. Mission is another good word as well. Continuing to find my mission is important. I am sure I am here on earth (and maybe here on this journaling place) for a reason. As I move through life I hope to discover what that is. Step by step....

Time to get out for my walk. It is a cool morning and the sun is out ! This is my next right thing !


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:55 pm
by squealcat
Good day today! I walked, ate well, got some work done around the house and relaxed too !

I sprouted some grains this week and put them in the fridge this morning. Have to finish off the steel cut oats I made already so the day after tomorrow I will enjoy those sprouts as a cereal ! I love trying new things ! My sunflower microgreens are really delish ! The are in my salad every day ! What fun this is !!!


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 11:46 am
by deweyswakms
squealcat wrote:I was impressed by the line "just do the next right thing"

I LOVE that thought! It's a great way to set my intention for the day. Not just about food either; but about how I interact with people, issues, being kinder and gentler; and boy howdy we sure need more of this.



Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:59 pm
by squealcat
deweyswakms wrote:
squealcat wrote:I was impressed by the line "just do the next right thing"

I LOVE that thought! It's a great way to set my intention for the day. Not just about food either; but about how I interact with people, issues, being kinder and gentler; and boy howdy we sure need more of this.



Yes Marsha, it just sticks with me as well. It solves a lot of problems as to what is the right thing to do next and what is simple a phrase but meaningful.

I continue to do well the last few days and when I start to worry that I might go in the wrong direction with my eating I just try to remember that right NOW I am doing just fine and that is what counts.

I sprouted grains this week and had them for breakfast today. Very sweet tasting! I really can just eat those grains plain as a snack ! I am surprised by this. So fun to try new things (and healthy too !) I have been eating rice and beans this week and it was tasting plain to me so added a little sriracha sauce. It is like a whole new dish ! Glad I thought of it ! Corn on the cob was just ok. Must be the end of the season for that. We have been going to farms to pick up our fruit and tomatoes. We have been addicted to peaches ! So very good ! Great dessert !

That's enough about food. I continue on to tomorrow. It will be weigh in day for me. I have only been eating sanely for 3 or 4 days so will see what the scale says. Then I have to keep my head about me and continue on for another week !

Another phrase from that book: "Another reason doing the next right thing can change our state so quickly is because it immediately gets us moving in the direction of progress. And when we are making progress, we feel better about ourselves and better about life." This quote is from the book Perfectly Yourself by Matthew Kelly.

Have a good evening and good day tomorrow !

Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 7:58 am
by bunsofaluminum
Aren't sprouted wheat berries just the YUM!? They're chewy and sweet...hmmmm do I need to sprout some of those bad boys? :unibrow:
have fun with the peaches, too! yum

Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 11:38 am
by squealcat
Today I cooked up some old fashioned oats and added it half and half with my sprouted grains. I added too much water to the mix thinking that I would use the same water amount with the sprouted grains as I do the regular oats. Well, it was too much water and seemed a bit mushy. As I was eating it I noted a crunchiness that I like with the sprouts and ended up eating the whole thing !

After that breakfast my mind started to wander to other foods.....I ended up eating quite a bit more. As I was eating I was thinking: "did I let myself get too hungry? Why is this starting? I was feeling great about my weight loss." I really don't know why this all started but I was able to end it right there (I never know :duh: ).

Anyway, house is quiet now. Husband is resting in his chair (as usual). I am thinking about what to cook next, what to do next. Doing a little laundry right now too. My youngest son and his girlfriend are coming over for dinner tonight. We will get take out. I am planning to get a salad from the place and supplementing with my dressing and some other things from our fridge.

I did my usual 3 mile walk this morning. Nice and cool outside today ! :) My feet are sore after that. I wonder if that will go away with a little more weight loss. I hope so ! My legs feel heavy too. It was way worse when I weighed 240# and got better with weight loss. I got down to 175# over a year ago and then started gaining again. I have been able to stop the gain and have maintained.....esp when seeing I was 200# ish now. Trying to get the momentum going to lose that weight again and continue on. I will be happy with weighing 195 at the end of this month.

I have to make this my life (slip ups and all). I want to make MWL the framework I need to lose and then maintain what I have lost. I want to find myself. I am in here somewhere ! :roll:

Well, better go. Have a great weekend !


Re: My Daily "Weighing in"

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:58 am
by squealcat
After a week of eating whatever I wanted and wanting all that was sweet, crunchy, salty and so delicious: today I get to take a step in the direction I REALLY want to go. I get to eat creamy old fashioned oats with a sprinkle of salt and a big cup of blueberries! Ahhhhh....I feel like I am back home again !

Why was I making it so complicated? Sometimes I don't have the answer. I just need to get back to the simple and pure. Went to get groceries today and got mostly produce. I then went to the farm near by and picked up some delicious apples! My husband will be on a mission to get some delecata squash and tomatoes. I will be roasting potatoes and squash this weekend (and hopefully Japanese sweet potatoes too ).

That is all. Keep it simple. I GET to eat this way and keep it simple and beautiful.

Have a great weekend.
