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Another ingredient search from the Quick and Easy Cookbook

PostPosted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:50 am
by VeggieSue
What is a "pasta wrap"?

It's used in the Oriental Wraps recipe, and is referred to as "Amber Farms Spinach Pasta Wrap" and from the description of it, it's square, not round like a tortilla. The Amber Farms website only sells packaged pre-cooked pasta, nothing resembling a wrap.

Web searches for "pasta wrap"turn up various wrap recipes that have pasta as an ingredient and all use plain old flour or corn tortillas, one or 2 use lavash bread instead. Of course, die-hard WFPB eaters opt for collard or other large leaves. :)

This is a recipe I always skipped over because back when the book was released pasta wasn't allowed on the MWLP. I was more concerned with finding the missing recipes than trying to make recipes with forbidden ingredients work for me. Yeah, I was and still am a lazy cook. :lol:

So, was there ever such a thing as a square wrapper made of cooked pasta of some sort? Let this clueless Boomer know, and a link to an image of an example would be appreciated. Thanks.