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White Potato and Maple Syrup

PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2023 4:03 pm
by chicha29
Has anyone ever eaten cooked white potato and maple syrup (or another sweetener)? [I'm eating some at the moment. Different.] It seems that most starchy grains and vegetables ARE NOT commonly eaten with a sweetener. The only one that comes to mind is oatmeal, commonly eaten with milk and sugar. I've also seen cooked white rice mixed with milk and sugar, as well, in El Salvador. They also use corn in a sweetened beverage (atole?) and a sweetened corn masa that's been fried. As an American, though, oatmeal is the only sweetened starch I can remember growing up with. Can anyone recommend other starches that are not naturally sweet and that are eaten sweetened?

Re: White Potato and Maple Syrup

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 3:53 pm
by michaelswarm
Chicha29, interesting question.

I make a root salad of steamed and roasted potatoes, carrots and beets, where the dressing is orange juice blended with some of the roasted beets. Pancakes and maple syrup (or apple sauce)? Cake and other kinds of sweet breads like banana bread and muffins are starch with sweetener? Just that when you add the sweetener we don't think of it as a main course anymore, but as a desert. French fries and ketchup? The ketchup is loaded with sweeter. So are some other condiments like BBQ sauce, sweet pickle relish or sweet and sour sauce. Some North African cuisines use dried fruit, but I haven't experimented with those yet. Rice pilaf or biryani with dried dates or raisins?

Re: White Potato and Maple Syrup

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 11:37 pm
by debknott
As a child mum served us hot rice with milk and sugar as a snack or breakfast. She also sliced cornmeal mush and fried the slices. We topped them with maple syrup and ate them for breakfast. I just remembered that she also made patties out of leftover mashed potatoes. Then she fried them until they were pretty brown and crispy. We ate them with ketchup or maple syrup. We liked all three of these simple dishes.