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Jumping In!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:25 am
by cherylmcd
Wow...take a deep can do this...

I am a very private person so starting a Journal is hard for me. :-( Laying it all out there for everyone to see. But I can understand the importance of it. I want to use this as a reminder to myself of where I have been...where I am today...and what my goals are for tomorrow.

So, here goes nothin'... ;-)

I have always been "chubby". But, in my mid-30's, I decided to go vegetarian. Not knowing how to eat healthy, I managed to put cheese on EVERYTHING and went from about 250 pounds (not exactly chubby, right?!) to 350 pounds and a size 30/32. Not so healthy for a vegetarian. I went back to eating meat when I was diagnosed with diabetes. (Meat was supposed to help stabilize my blood sugars and since I obviously had no idea how to do that as a vegetarian...and the dietitian they sent me to also had no idea how to do that (where or where was Jeff?), back to eating meat I went.

Over the years, I have managed to lose weight eating SAD diets. A LOT of them. I did find Dr. McD's diet many years ago, but thought I could never live that way so set the book aside. (Oh how I wish I had been smarter back them!!!!!) :eek:

But always in the back of my mind was the knowledge that there is a better way to eat and to live. I had my weight down to about 204 pounds a year and a half ago. (Taking about 20 years! to lose 150 pounds. I am not exactly a quick loser or learner, apparently...) I found the McD website and starting "lurking" back then. Following a mix of the regular plan and some MWL meals, I managed to lose down to 167 in a year. Then, this summer, I fell apart. :oops: And my weight this morning is 194. Ridiculous! :crybaby:

So, here I am. It is the middle of the Christmas season, and I say NO MORE! When I finish this Journal entry, I am on my way to the store. My home currently has no fresh fruit or vegetables in it. (I do have frozen and canned veggies so I can make Jeff's fast food/DVD meals so all is not lost.) I don't even have any potatoes in my home. WHAT??!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

I am new to journaling so I am not sure exactly what to post. I probably won't weigh myself daily (maybe weekly?). While it is obvious I need to lose weight (unless I were a 6'7" female body builder!), I want to focux on the healthy lifestyle. I think, in the past, I focused too much on just losing the weight, and not enough on being healthy and happy. And happy and healthy will lead to a slimmer me as a bonus. :-D

Funny how, when I get started, I can't seem to stop.

Anyway, I will try journaling often and use this as a tool to help me identify areas to improve, and encouragement as I make progress.

Enough for today! Here I go! Jumping In! :o


Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:03 pm
by Dendra
And a nice 'jumping in' it is. :)

I am not a long-time journaler either, but find it helpful to jot down thoughts and goals and things to try, and what works, and what doesn't. There are no rules, just write whatever is helpful to you.

Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:12 pm
by Rosey
Most of us are weighing in once a week there are a few that are bi weekly. Though some of us <pointing at self> is bad about weighing in more then once a week. So up to you how much you want to weigh.


Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:34 pm
by cherylmcd
First, THANK YOU, Dendra and Rosey for the welcomes. I appreciate your encouragement.

So, yesterday I did manage to go to the store and bring home a fridge full of veggies (fresh and frozen). But today I have booked myself with so many tasks that I found myself eating at Wendy's... two days in a row. Not so good. But I am journaling the good, bad, and the ugly as I promised myself I would. I can't make changes until I become myself.

Meals on Monday:
L - Two baked potatoes at Wendy's with barbecue sauce
D - McD soup/Curry

Meals on Tuesday:
L - Two baked potatoes at Wendy's (no topping)
D - Potato

Well, there sure aren't any veggies on the first two days. I need to change that...and to make some Perpetual Soup tomorrow. The rest of the week will be crazy and away from home for meals. But this is just an excuse. So...I will plan better and be prepared.


Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:24 am
by cherylmcd
Happy New Year to all who read this entry! :-) It has been quite an 'old' year so I have decided to post both the negatives and positives of this past year so I can remember all of the good and work on changing the less-than-good :oops: .

I will start with the less-than-good: "Lurking" on this website for most of the year instead of Jumping In sooner; not following the McD plan all of the time (although I have continued to start over...and over...); signed up for the ASW in Feb. 2012 only to have to cancel :crybaby: it due to a financial "issue" in December; and now my stove/oven has died, so I will have to wait until next year to get it fixed or get a new one. :eek:

Hmmm...could have been worse :? . Now for the positives: I finally joined this community and jumped in (although I don't post very often...yet); I am working towards 100% MWL and will ask for help; I have found an exercise I enjoy (line dancing) :D and as soon as the classes for 2012 begin, I will be there (YeeHaw!); I purchased some of Dr. McD and JeffN's videos, so I am ready to cook (and when I get a little more financially solvent, I will purchase a few more!). Looking back, I realize that in 2011, I 'overscheduled' myself with doing for others. Now I LOVE doing for others and that will never change, but I also need to focus on my health and this WOE, so I will find the balance. Health... excercise...100% McD ...and balance. Sounds like a good new year to me. :-D

Today I have the flu (or a cold or really bad allergies) and have been sick now for about a week. Without a stove/oven, I haven't had the energy to try to eat well so have been having hot tea and Dr. McD right foods cups. Not good options, I know. I plan to go to the store tomorrow and get a few fresh veggies. I will start off the new year with perpetual soup (crockpot), oatmeal and potatoes (microwave), and frozen veggies (also microwave). I have a hot water pot, and a it's all good! :lol: Once the stove/oven is fixed, I will go back to roasted veggies too and try a few new recipes. I intend to WRITE DOWN a meal plan...and may even post in Roberta's Corner. Will I have the nerve to post under the MWL site? We will see... :mrgreen:

So, thank you for all of your support this year (even if you didn't know I was reading and learning from you).



Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:56 pm
by cherylmcd
I wasn't going to post a new Journal entry until this Friday...when I do my first MWL WeighIn...but I just feel the need to write something positive.

First, I noticed that I gained weight from when I first started my Journal :mad: If you had asked me, I would have said I stayed the same weight through the Christmas holiday. So, it is good to post and take accountability. No wonder I gained so much weight back! I, apparently, haven't been paying enough attention.

Well, I am paying more attention now! And it's all good. I have been eating on plan and expect to see a weight loss on Friday :-D And tonight was my first line dance class. I expected to dance for an hour but ended up staying for 2-1/2 hours! Wow, if exercise can stay this fun, I will just dance and dance and dance :cool:

Thanks for letting me 'talk' tonight. I hope you are all enjoying a fun and healthful new year, too!


Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:53 am
by Keri
Hi Cheryl! It looks like you're on the right track now.

I can relate to a lot of your original post. I gained most of my weight by being an unhealthy vegetarian (I call it a cheesatarian) and I also lurked on the boards for a lot of last year, before jumping it. The important thing is that we're here now, doing the best we can. :-D

Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:53 am
by kirstykay
Glad you're here starting the New Year off right, cheryl! Nice to meet you! I know you'll find the success you're looking for. You have one quality that is essential...determination! Through all the ups and downs in your struggle with your weight, it seems, you've never given up! So apply that determination to McDougall, and you'll be golden! I look forward to hearing more of your successes this year! :)

Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:57 pm
by cherylmcd
Today was my first weigh-in. I LOST 1.8 lbs!!!!! That felt pretty good. (And I needed that as a small family crisis came up yesterday - and will last a few weeks).

I found I wasn't prepared to eat MWL these past 2 days as I have been mostly away from home. This is now a lesson I have learned. I managed to eat without meat or dairy, but had difficulty finding an option without added oil :-( I am spending time tonight, since I am home early from caring for my dad, and making a plan. I need a plan. I had meant to do it this weekend but... Ah, just excuses. But I am learning :-D

I noticed that LauraA is keeping a food log at home rather than on this site and I think that will work for me too. I need to post my food but always getting to this site is a little tough. Maybe if I can keep a log in my purse, I will be more consistent...and it will be a good reminder of my new WOE.

Thank you, Keri, for your encouragement. KirstyKay, you said something I hadn't considered before. "Determination"...yes, I like that!!!!! And it really made me feel better especially as it hasn't been all that long since someone told me I have failed before...why do I think this time I will succeed? I guess I should have said: Because I have succeeded in the past and have the DETERMINATION to continue to succeed. Thank you!


Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:00 pm
by cherylmcd
Well, I had a great weigh-in today! I LOST 4 pounds this week! I know this isn't normal for me so I won't plan on losing so much again, but I love it today!

Yesterday wasn't the best eating day for me. I took my mom shopping out of town. I ate a late breakfast (after line dancing) so I could skip lunch out of town. Well, we got really hungry and ended up with bean burritos for a late lunch. (Flour tortillas, no cheese, but oil in the beans :cry: ) And then I was starving last night but I did manage to eat McD MWL. But, still, my failure to plan (as in take food with me) led me to a bad choice. Lesson learned!

I started line dancing this week :-D I LOVE IT! While getting up that early is a little tough (they aren't called the Crack of Dawn dancers for nothin'!), I have already started to look foward to this time. In fact, there is no line dancing again until Monday so i need to figure out some other fun exercise for the weekends.

This last week was a little rough though. My dad had to go to the emergency room last Thursday and since then I have been going over to my parents' house to change dressings, take food (and he is a SAD eater), and check on them instead of staying home. But I would never even think of not going over there. And now he is doing better so that frees me up to start cooking and taking care of myself again :D

Hmmm...goals for this week (cuz I am gonna take it one week at a time): Get the stove/oven repaired; line dance 5 times this week, cook healthy meals I can take for me over to my parents' home while tending Dad, identify a fun activity/exercise I can do on non-line dancing days. Yep, this looks good. On to another healthy and happy week.


Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:10 pm
by CJJ
Sounds like you are IN CONTROL Cheryl! Way to go!

Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 10:27 pm
by lmggallagher
Hey cheryl:

Just stopped by to say CONGRATS on the 4 pounds. WOW!!!!

And line dancing sounds mega fun --I'll have to see about that here :-D

Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 11:30 pm
by cherylmcd
Thanks, CJJ and Im, for the encouragement. I really do hate exercise but line dancing isn't exercise :lol: just an opportunity for me to jump around and be silly. Oh, yeah. I LOVE dancing.


Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:11 pm
by cherylmcd
Well, it's been a long time since my last post. :-( I have been pretty sick :( for about the last week and a half. I managed to weigh in last Friday, and had a great weight loss, but I suspect it was because I wasn't really eating all I should have. :roll: Oh, it was all MWL, but looking back there was little fruit or veggies... mostly starches and McD soup cups. Hey, I needed easy! Anyway, I haven't been to exercise either...except the Fit Quickies for my legs... So, I am finally starting to feel 'human' again. :-D Not well, but not horribly sick. I know I am getting better cuz I started eating more yesterday. :lol: Oh, yes, I went to the grocery store and bought carrots, apples, and POTATOES! I have been chowing down ever since. (I am expecting a weight gain this week ... :crybaby: hahaha) But it is good to know I can stay MWL despite a cold/flu/infection...and the voices of my family telling me a 'little chicken soup won't hurt you'. :eek: I know they mean "well"...

I need to work at setting some new goals for myself since I didn't meet any of them from my last post. Oh well, that is the way life goes some times. But I am setting a new BIG GOAL. I want to go to Oahu this year (September?) for vacation. My mom is my usual travelling companion. She is worried I won't find anything to eat if we go, so now the "discussion" begin. But I am up to it, and by the time I/we go, I should have lost most of my excess weight and be totally comfortable eating McD/MWL! :D What am I looking forward to most? Going to a pineapple plantation and eating fresh pineapple!!!!!!!!!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:


Re: Jumping In!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:56 pm
by giddyupgin
Way to go...keep it can always practice your line dancing at home....keep us posted......and eat your veggies!