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Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:36 pm
by Idgie
Hi, Jay, we're neighbors! I'm in the south bay.

Do you like any other whole grains? Maybe you could replace your oatmeal with something you like better? Or maybe boiled potatoes?

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 10:57 pm
by Idgie
Forgive me my food-geeking, but have you tried it as muesli? (Americans tend to call this "overnight oats".) I like oatmeal better that way, maybe because I really like cold foods.

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 9:28 pm
by michaelswarm
Congratulations on the effort and the results so far.

It was a long time ago I started, but I remember the effort finding a few things I really liked. I remember thinking I have to find a couple of dishes I enjoy so I don't starve. I happened to enjoy Indian cuisine, and made a point to learn how to cook rice and curry. I think it's important to enjoy what you're doing. It was difficult at first, with only a handful of plant based meals, compared to a lifetime of old favorites and good restaurants. But now I have at least as many awesome plant based favorites, from among the worlds cuisines.

Besides rice as favorite starch, I am currently exploring as many dishes as I can that use potatoes. My family tree comes from southern Germany-Austria and Czech Republic, so I've got to try steamed potatoes and cabbage. I remember having that occasionally as a side dish growing up.

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 6:50 pm
by michaelswarm
Breakfast can also be other cereal than oats. If you do like rice, try rice. I've enjoyed cold leftover brown rice with fruit and a squeeze of orange. More likely sustainable if you enjoy.

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 7:52 pm
by Willijan
Just thought I'd mention that there are other forms of oats to eat, that you might possibly like better than oatmeal: steelcut oats and oat groats. I found that I don't care for steelcut, but my husband loves them. I love oat groats, with dates, chopped apple, cinnamon and ground flaxseed. To make both of these easier to cook, use an Instantpot.

For the groats, I cook a big pot and eat from them for 5 or 6 days, adding the above fruits and seasonings to each morning's serving. Also a great dessert. I use a recipe posted on this site: unsoaked groats, 2 1/2 times as much water as groats, cooked 28 minutes in the IP.

For my husband's steelcut oats, I put the oats in the Instantpot the night before with cinnamon, nutmeg, chopped apple, raisins and water. Cook for 14 minutes, which is much longer than most recipes call for. Set to start cooking several hours before you want to eat them, and let them sit on Keep Warm, and they taste even better.

Clean up is just as easy as making oatmeal on the stove.

In our case, we didn't like this at first, but grew to be big fans.

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:38 am
by draperbr
Definitely try and find the steel cut oats! I have always enjoyed oatmeal, but when I switched to steel cut oats a few years ago, I found I liked the texture so much better, Now, I can't stand rolled oats. They just taste like a slimy mess to me!

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2018 4:24 pm
by f00die
bobs red mill online ordering
is one way to get decent quality intact grains
oat groats, wheat berries, barley, buckwheat etc
thats what is in my freezer (instead of a side of beef)

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 10:08 am
by Faith in DC
Keep open minded for breakfast. I used to be a daily oatmeal person. But found I do better with potatoes and greens for breakfast.

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 8:29 pm
by Hal
Hi. Welcome, Doing_Dirt. Funny, i also have a big bowl of oats with banana and a little cinnamon. I have come to like it. It also doesn't fill me up as long as other things. what i presently eat is basically the oatmeal, potatoes and black beans, spaghetti (my favorite btw) swimming in quality tomato puree with basil and crushed garlic, then heated for two minutes in 'micro to mellow out the garlic as i use two cloves per bowl, light rye bread (often as dry toast), bananas, Tuscan (dark leaf) kale/banana/cocoa 'shake' . ATM that is about it, day after day, so after more than a year of this i am looking to break out.. :-D and add something new to add to the mix.

Steamed cabbage sounds real good. How do you prepare it and how long do you cook it? Do you use an 'Instant Pot' ? Do you put anything else in with your potatoes and cabbage?

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:09 pm
by Idgie
Heres how I learned cabbage 101.

That is right up my alley; thanks for sharing!

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:15 pm
by Idgie
Yeah, mine is currently kimchi slaw, but once the heat breaks, I'll be looking for something cooked. Not yet, though. Cold food all the way.

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:26 pm
by Idgie
In general, I love cooked veggies, but here in the south bay it's still getting up over 80 inside the house more days than not, and my partner stays home all day, so anything I can do to avoid heating up the house is really appreciated, so lots of tabouli, lots of slaw, and a bit more fresh fruit than I usually eat.

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 10:14 pm
by Idgie
Great job! We may get a microwave someday, but we've been saying that for 15 years (and I haven't had one for 27 years), so it probably isn't gonna happen. :-)

Re: New dude checking in...

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 8:51 pm
by Idgie