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3 weeks in

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:55 am
by johnwesharris
Hello everyone,

This is my first post to the community and wanted to share some feedback.

I started this 'whole grain plant based' diet on 4/8 and things have been amazing. I am diagnosed with HBP and have since taken myself off a beta blocker about 2 weeks ago because I was getting a little lightheaded in the evening when the extended release kicked in. After doing some research and closely monitoring my BP daily (2x daily), I am planning to stop my calcium blocker and slowly decrease my diuretic. So far, my BP has been in the 120s so hoping for the best.

I started my journey at 315lb which was taken at my last doctors appointment and as always, they put in your discharge papers, "I advised on 'lifestyle changes'" but what does that mean ??!?!! Funny how you realize the little amount of nutritional education doctors receive (or don't receive) during their studies - frightening to say the last. Anyway, my journey didn't being here - it began with 'eating clean' which meant chicken breast, small amounts of beef, cheese, light carbs, etc. - you know what I mean; the 'healthy diet' that Americans should consume. I knew this method wasn't sustainable though and knew I was missing something. So with prayer and answer and a little help from my significant other, cutting out meat and dairy became THE PLAN!!

I would like to say that it was difficult at first and things were a little overwhelming - you're essentially retraining yourself on everything you think you know about food BUT it's worth it. It's literally a matter of life or death! How many of us Americans are saving toward retirement with expectations of doing this and that?? In reality, we don't have confidence that we'll make it to retirement... at least that's what I was thinking.

We all have choices though and I made the choice to choose food as my medicine, kick the newly found unhealthy food to the curb and make a change that will affect not only myself but the next generations of my family. Please do understand that health issues ARE hereditary but it's because we allow them to be. We get accustomed to a specific taste over our childhood which leads us into our adulthood ALONG with the complications of that very same diet.

I'm here to tell you that it's possible to break those chains that you've carried on your back along with that extra 20... 50... 100.... 200 or more pounds. As of today, I'm down 40 pounds and just a short time ago, loved the meat and cheese that I consumed but to me, those products that were marketed to me aren't worth the heartache and pain my family will have to go through due to the medical conditions those products put in.

You can become a healthy individual and provide better circumstances for you and your family; just give this lifestyle a try for 3 weeks and trust me, it's worth it for so many reasons. This is still the beginning of a journey for me and I intend to build it into who I define myself as. My hopes are that I live a youthful life for years to come; that I see my grandchildren get old and talk to them why grandpa doesn't eat animal products and how it's affected our lives for the best because of where I've come from.

John of Buffalo, NY

Re: 3 weeks in

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:43 pm
by Willijan
Your message is inspiring, John, and I think it will be effective in producing change for many people who read it. I would print it and mail it to my sister and her husband right now, but I'm sure they'd throw it away rather than read it. Congratulations!

Re: 3 weeks in

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 11:35 am
by viv
Many congratulations John on your amazing progress and commitment to this way of eating. You are a terrific writer and your passion comes through. No doubt you will be a shining example to many including your family and friends as to how this wonderful way of eating changes lives for the better now and into the future. (How about starting a blog?)

Re: 3 weeks in

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2018 1:42 pm
by johnwesharris
Willijan wrote:Your message is inspiring, John, and I think it will be effective in producing change for many people who read it. I would print it and mail it to my sister and her husband right now, but I'm sure they'd throw it away rather than read it. Congratulations!

Willijan - Funny how the data and information is in front of us at all times. The difference is 'passion' and 'commitment'. A lot of things, in life, that we fear hold us back from a great amount of progress with regard to self improvement.

After I had my kids, the past two years have been a great success for bettering myself in preparation for my children to follow my footsteps. I think your family will always keep a close eye on what you're doing and if it's working for you, will begin asking questions if they're curious.

I think the best thing you can do is it be honest - share the pitfalls, the tough days, and the complication.. this bring your lifestyle changes down to their level so they understand and know that everyday will not be a perfect day and it's OK to fail every now and again as long as you continue to strive to do better for yourself.

In any case, all the well wishes for you and your family!

You sound like me!

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 8:07 pm
by Barrycudda
Please read my recent post in the health questions section. To summarise, a low carb even ketogenic diet made me gain weight and gave me IBS! Now plant based, I am slowly losing weight and my digestion is improving. Are some people like me and you physiologically 'designed' to avoid meat???

Re: 3 weeks in

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 11:19 am
by Starchyme
Way to go, John. Very inspiring. Wishing you continued success. Keep us apprised.

Re: 3 weeks in

PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:47 pm
by Atheria
To Barry:

EVERYONE is designed to avoid meat. :-)

To John:

Great job! You are now empowered!
