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My experience

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 6:38 am
by bhagler
I've been eating plant based for about 3.5 weeks now. No oils, purely greens,veggies,fruits and lots of beans, lentils and quinoa.

A little history, type 1 Diabetic for 32 years. Celiac Disease for 2 years. Too many pills for 44 years old. I've lost about 16 pounds, cut my blood pressure medicine in half! I am excited. Next in line is more exercise. :D

Re: My experience

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 12:50 pm
by geo
Congrats on your results to date! Its something you can expect on this program.

Since your type 1 you may want to be careful about eating lots of beans/legumes. They are high in protein and may be hard on the kidneys of type 1 people. Remember, focus on the starches in all their forms...grains, tubers, starchy veggies, and legumes. You won't need to worry about protein at all on this program. Check out the FAQ's by Jeff Novick in his forum for more details.

Stay the course! :nod:

Re: My experience

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 2:23 pm
by GoodLife
You contradicted yourself. You advised him to reduce his or her consumption of beans because they have too much protein for Type 1 diabetics. Then you said you won't have to worry about protein on this way of eating. Which is it?

Re: My experience

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:35 am
by geo
You contradicted yourself. You advised him to reduce his or her consumption of beans because they have too much protein for Type 1 diabetics. Then you said you won't have to worry about protein on this way of eating. Which is it?

Actually no I didn't. Your taking my comments out of context.

Beans and other high protein foods can easily be eaten in amounts that may be deleterious to those with Type 1 diabetese. I did not advise him to reduce his level of bean consumption. I commented that he should be careful about eating lots of such foods.

However, within the context of the McDougall program, when properly understood and followed, limits are placed on the eating of beans/legumes and thus they wont be an issue. It should always be made clear we discuss the McDougall program here. The OP stated he ate a plant-based diet, that is not the McDougall program. These boards are always in the context of the McDougall program. People that come here talking about their current diet in terms of plant-based or WFPB or vegetarian or vegan or nutritarian or plant strong or anything other than the McDougall program should understand that answers/comments made to posts should be made within that context.

Re: My experience

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:00 am
by chewy
congratulations on your success !!

Re: My experience

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:48 am
by amandamechele
Hi bhagler,

Congratulations on your success!!
I have a T1D teenager who I think will eventually eat this way. In trying to be prepared for this eventual transition, I am interested to hear about how you (and any other T1Ds) managed your medication (insulin) and BG levels while making dietary changes. If it is not too personal to ask, I have the following questions (which I completely understand if you do not wish to respond to):
Did you have to lower your required insulin very quickly? Do you use a pump? Did you have to change both basal and bolus rates? Did you experience any hypoglycaemic episodes? Any advice for other T1D people thinking of changing their diets to these guidelines? Did you work with your endo or diabetes specialist while making these changes?

I'm just looking for personal experience, and it won't be taken as medical advice.

Thank you!!

Re: My experience

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:07 pm
by JaniceYvonne
Check out as this Ph.d is a Type 1 getting excellent results with a low low fat plant diet

Re: My experience

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:53 pm
by amandamechele
Thank you Janice Yvonne, I will check it out!

My apologies to bhagler for the unintentional thread high-jack.


Re: My experience

PostPosted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:38 pm
by Atheria

Congrats on the great results. You've probably been Celiac since birth but just didn't know it. Celiac and diabetes/hyopglycemia are all too commonly found together in the human body from what I've learned. I look forward to seeing updates from you.

I have both gluten and blood sugar issues myself.

Best wishes,