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Re: Ideas I collected on Coronary Artery Disease

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:57 pm
by Ricardo
afreespirit wrote: your Total Cholesterol is 107 ?!

All your other results look great, too.

thank you.
Total cholesterol has been even lower than that, when my doctor recommended to reduce statins from 70 to 40 mg a week.

At the beginning of the program I was not really believing that I could do much going vegan + VLF. But loosing 2 pounds a week and having at my side the books of so many doctors that work on reversal, gave me enthusiasm to proceed. It does help also being able to buy all vegetables, starchs, soy milks, whole breads, green and white teas.
I have been 98 % adherent to the program, except when impossible, like airlines forgetting or not having my requests, family members serving non-vegan food, to be hungry far from home, etc. To tell the truth, I am still addicted to the bad habits, like sugar, white bread and salt. Meat does not bother me so much. My new sentence to resist to all the above is Why to ruin all I got for this little pleasure...

I wish you health and happiness,

Re: Ideas I collected on Coronary Artery Disease

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:11 am
by pocketrocket
:-) :-P hi ricardo, you are doing amazingly!!! your dr is very thorough! In Australia my dr doesn't order c-reactive protein...Steve Nissen in the lecture on the statins said how important that is because of the inflammation! He did order uric acid once a few years ago & it was up..that eqates with high blood pressure..but he told me NOTHING about that or why it could be elevated... Lustig says that can be when triglycerides are up and i think i was eating a lot of fruit then..only 2 pieces a day apple and a grapefruit(for the cholesterol...apparently it is metabolised the same pathway as the statin.& can lower cholesterol...can't have it if on statins though). Keep up the good work it is totally worth it!! I was wondering why you take a multimineral/vitamin? Dr Mcdougall doesn't recommend that..says to get everything from food except B12..iron in pills can raise your levels & I vaguely remember especially in men that happens "rusts the body"...calcium in pills hardens the arteries...(studies reported this year)..whereas calcium in food doesn't. I hope I got all that right!!! Anyway I am soooooooooo jealous of your results....glad for you but jealous!!! Wish they were mine!!! Will go next Friday & get mine done & let you know the results. Bye for now..Wendy


Re: Ideas I collected on Coronary Artery Disease

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:19 am
by pocketrocket
Hi Brad..I can tell you definitely that a vegan diet will improve yor running...both strength and recovery!!! I noticed an amazing improvement in my aerobic capacity in 3 days after starting starch based and very low fat diet. Google Richard Roll And Scott Jureck..they are vegan runners...being ultra distance runners and young they do add fats..hemp & flax.but we don't need that like they do.Their recovery so they can keep training hard is what makes them so good. Cheers Wendy

Re: Ideas I collected on Coronary Artery Disease

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:58 am
by Brad
Yes Wendy, faster running is one of the benefits I've seen. I was reading up on the athletes on vegan diets and the list was quite impressive. Had my best 5k in years a couple weeks ago. Seems I got a bit excited about my new found energy and pulled a muscle.. on the mend now.

Re: Ideas I collected on Coronary Artery Disease

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:00 pm
by Ricardo

thank you. The last test was requested by a lady that is cardiologist and also gerontologist. That is the reason so many more details on a blood test. Most of cardiologist tend to concentrate on the items that are a risk factor for CAD and not for a general health aspects.
Other aspects are important as well.
Have you asked to your doctor a more detailed blood test? I find that doctors ask for more items if we ask them to prescribe. If not I go to a general practice MD, they understand better our general concerns. CR Protein may be a sign of inflammation but my cardiologist does not pay attention to it, as he says that may or may not detect it. I have often observed how doctors disagree from each other on reversal.

( Joke: Most of them possibly would go for it, but the Chief Financial Office of their clinics may not like Reversal, because customers would get healthier...).

About multimineral/vitamin I would stop taking them after review with the doctor that asked for the test. Then if she confirms that my blood test is indeed OK for this items, I will stop taking them and wait for a new blood test to see if MV were the ones beneffiting my health.

About calcium my blood test says I am OK.
On top of that I will take a test to see if I have osteoporosis.

I wish you All the Best.

By now,

Re: Ideas I collected on Coronary Artery Disease

PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:12 pm
by Acura

your TC of 107 is that with or without statins? Somewhere you had mentioned that you were taking statins but I'm not sure.

Ideas I collected on Coronary Artery Disease

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:55 am
by Ricardo
107 is total Cholesterol, most of it due to just eating plant based food and very low fat. I take 35 mg of crestor a week (not a day) as a complement in the action of reducing cholesterol. As you can see, at least from my personal case, most reduction is due to PBF and VLF and not statins alone.

According to Drs. McDougall, Esseslstyn, etc. reversal is achieved due to not eating cholesterol from animal food. According to my doctors here in Rio de Janeiro, statins besides reducing cholesterol, they reduce inflamation and help to remove some of the cholesterol from arteries. This last is good to increase diameter of arteries. Please note that a small increase in diameter of arteries has a fourth potency increase in blood flow, according to hydraulic formulae. If you like fluid mechanics and are interested in the formulae I could post it. It is amazing how a small percentage of removal of cholesterol and consequent diameter increase cause a much big increase in liquids flow.
Doctors studing it say it is true in human bodies!

Re: Ideas I collected on Coronary Artery Disease

PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:30 pm
by vegiman
Thanks for your info. I have been on a extremely strict vegan/no oil diet and ended up with good results. Total 106/LDL 37/HDL 42/TRI 135. I was told a year ago that my main is closed 90% and had bypass 4 years ago with no more options. With all the research you did, have you or someone you know actually have documented reversal (via repeat angiogram, etc) of coronary artery disease ? It would be nice to have some solid info on that.


Re: Ideas I collected on Coronary Artery Disease

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:22 pm
by Ricardo
excuse me for not answering before. I was not aware of your post till today. The reason is that my wife got cancer and I devoted most of my efforts to help her to fight it. So far she is doing OK, but cancer is hard to fight despite all the advances of techs and new medicines.

Yes, I had my CAD reversed almost two years ago. I had images and thread mill tests taken that can be used to confirm it. My doctors were surprised. You can find more details in an earlier post "I reversed my Coronary Artery Disease." Here is the text I wrote in this site about:

"After 3 and half years of being diagnosed with coronary heart disease I had the courage to see if the disease had arrested, got worst or had reversed. Both PET Scan and tread mill stress tests showed that the heart now is normal. Please note that 2007 and 2011 tests were made with same doctors, at same hospital (one of the best here in Rio de Janeiro - Brasil) and with same PET equipment. Blood flow is ok inside my heart. This is more than enough for me.

37 months ago when in a routine checkup I failed a tread mill stress test and with following PET Scan and computerized axial tomography scans the disease was reconfirmed.

Then I changed my lifestyle to Vegan and Very Low Fat plant based food.

After few weeks I lost about 30 pounds, my blood pressure came from 13X9 down to 11X7 when my doctor asked me to stop taking BP medicine.

After about a year he asked me to reduce statins, as my cholesterol was too low for him. Now my total cholesterol is 100 and in next appointment I will ask if I can reduce statins a little bit more to try reach 120 to 130 marks.

A plus of all of this diet was to solve digestion problems I had that what a doctor diagnosed as "Irritable Bowel Syndrome". Plant based food is easier to digest and seems that my body likes to flow it not too fast...

I have also to add that almost everyday I walk “briskly” for about 40 minutes and that white tea is my favorite drink.
I am writing all this to encourage others to be persistent in changing their lifestyles to prevent or to try to reverse this disease. "

I wish that this may help you. Please tell me how you are doing. I would like to know.

Re: Ideas I collected on Coronary Artery Disease

PostPosted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:22 pm
by f1jim
Glad to hear you are still doing well Ricardo

Re: Ideas I collected on Coronary Artery Disease

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:56 am
by Ricardo
Hi Jim,
thank you a lot. Good to be here as well. Yes, I can say I am OK, related to my heart and its arteries. I was not logging in due to an illness of my wife that got cancer in colon and liver. I have been helping her to fight these cancer. As possible I will return to this forum to see if somebody needs me.

I wish you all a Happy Xmas.
Ricardo (from Brazil)