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Re: July 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:02 pm
by amandamechele
sarabee - Your family likes to eat out as much as mine does. You've got a great plan to get through this week and weekend. All the best!

Svenja - You will definitely get through! I'm happy we get to count down your days until you reach your hard earned goal. Good luck with your studies this week.

Qwerty988 - :) Thanks . Sometimes I wonder if I'm sharing too much about myself and my struggles. But, that is what I have to offer and is, well, just who I am. I figure sharing can help us get to know one another better and that may actually help to keep us engaged and coming back and actually reach our goals together. I'm in this for the long haul. Isn't simple eating so wonderfully simple? LOL. You have really ramped up the work outs. Fantastic! Are you taking a particular type of yoga? I don't know much about it, I'll admit. I can't wait to hear more about your transformation into an Inferno of Awesomeness...ha!

Mom+Me - Short and Starchy! Too funny...that is an impressive loss. Congratulations on all of your efforts. I look forward to hearing from you on Friday.

Susan - I'd love to hear how you fare with your tortilla press. I wonder how different really fresh Tortillas taste compared to the store bought ones. I'm happy to hear how well things have been going for your family too. I'll admit I'm a little jealous of the weight loss numbers men often have when they first start eating this way. Lol. I'm also so happy to hear about how your arthritis is feeling better. That's why we do this! Get healthy and trim and improve and enjoy our lives even more than we already do.

Kathy - I know how you feel. I've back tracked a bit and have to re lose some pounds. It's a bit demoralizing, but better to relose the same weight than put even more back on. I hope you have a great week and get to hike a bit!

Dee - August will definitely be a good month! I can't believe you got them paint every room.! Would you move very far from your current location if you do choose to move?

Anna - Good idea about the mineral water!

Emily - Its great to hear from you! I have trouble posting from my phone too because it keeps logging me out and I never remember my passwords. I'm glad you're continuing on your own and hope you can keep checking in whenever it's convenient. Good luck to you too this week.

Here is the link the the new August 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group.

See you all on Friday!

Re: July 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 7:25 am
by cambitsgirl
Carol - Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question so thoroughly. I'm sure many people will find your summary so helpful. You are on such a great path to figuring out how to get the best results possible from this program. There are so many strategies and tips and suggestions available throughout this website and elsewhere, and you are figuring out exactly which ones are helpful to you and which ones aren't as necessary. I went through a similar change of thinking regarding the speed of weight loss. Once I let go of needing to try and lose the weight quickly I was able to see this as an ongoing lifestyle change as opposed to a weight loss diet. It took a lot of trials for me to get to that stage though, congratulations on getting there so quickly!
I can't believe how busy you are with all of your jobs. I hope you are able to let your leg completely heal and get some rest.
Woohoo...2 pant sizes down! Have you gotten to shop for anything new yet?
Best wishes this week!

Actually I have been working on this for 2 years, so it has taken me awhile to figure it out. When I first started on this WOE I did not understand that oil and other processed foods were not a good idea. I lost 30 pounds pretty quickly, but then stalled. I was eating vegan chips and other vegan junk food. Then I completely fell off the wagon and was letting in non vegan foods. I was really sick and thought it was because of my disease, but after 6 months of being in horrible pain, I finally went to the hospital and was told my gallbladder needed to come out. I had that surgery done last November, and started feeling so much better. So I decided to fix my WOE too. This time around I understand that I can't eat they way I used to and expect different results. I have read everything I can get my hands on, and listen to You Tube vegan channels all the time. It is fun to see different recipes and get other ideas. But I always come back to simple and easy is best for me. :) Oh and the video on Caloric Density really got me in the right direction.

I had to go shopping for pants after going down 2 sizes, and got a few pairs. Not they are getting loose too lol. Oh well, we need to do more shopping again soon. Have a great week!

Re: July 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:36 am
by darcin
This morning I weighed 157 so I lost 2 pounds this week! But better than that my body composition is changing, my clothes are looser and my stomach flatter. The changes I made were: ate oat bran with strawberries and blueberries for breakfast instead of toast with all-fruit and the banana. Instead of brown rice, I ate potatoes with lunch and dinner and a salad of romaine and tomatoes before each meal. For some reason the potato is more fillling to me and I was satisfied for much longer. Now I am hardly hungry enough for dinner when I come home from work which is very unusual for me. Also I started using the quick and easy cookbook from Mary McDougall and several yummy recipes from the newsletter archive. And, I've had more energy and desire to exercise than before. I'm super excited about the break through for the weight loss but more excited that I feel better than I have in years.

Re: July 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:40 am
1 pound loss for me xx

Re: July 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 7:22 pm
by TrimFitMe
New here. Hope I am doing this right. I want to weigh in for the first time. I have gotten as low at 137 but since November I have crept up to 147, which is my weight today, Friday, Dec 1st.

My husband and I went WFPB in May of 2015, and by September of 2015, he lost weight and I didn't lose weight but I felt better.
He lost 25 lbs and his pre-full-blown high blood pressure and pre-diabetic condition disappeared and he dropped from a 38 to a 36. I think if he was at his optimal weight he would be a 34, but he is happy at his new weight and condition, and is devote because he feels so much better and has so much energy and focus.
I was not so happy with my results. I was still gaining weight. I had replaced my coffee with delicious chai tea which I would brew at home and drink with a cup of soy milk every morning! And I was eating the groats (whole whole grain oats) fixed with 3 cups of groats and 1 cup each of pecans, walnuts and almonds, and 15 small dates.

In February of 2015 I weighed 156 lbs. My total cholesterol was 217 and my LDL was 142 (high). My BUN/Creatinine Ratio was 27 (high), My RA Factor was 14.9 (over 13.9 is high). Glucose serum 87.

By August 27 of 2015, four months on a WFPB diet (still cooking with oil and not mindful of the fat in certain plant based foods), my total cholesterol had dropped to 187 and my LDL to 120 ( still high but improved). My RA Factor dropped to 11.4 (under 13.9 is “normal”).

By September of 2015 I got off of HRT which I had stayed on for 10 years, and by March of 2016 I was having so much trouble with inflammatory arthritis, it was becoming painful just getting up from bed or sitting down, walking, squatting, climbing stairs or doing anything that required me to bend my knees. My knees felt bruised and I felt frail and brittle.

Opening jars became so difficult I was having to use a tool, or ask my husband to help me. And I was still gaining weight.

By February of 2016, I got up to 159 pounds before I discovered first, the Paddison Program, to help me with my inflammatory arthritis, which has never been diagnosed as RA, but which was progressively worse. Paddison’s protocol is very similar to Dr. McDougall’s and he cited Dr. McDougall in much of his work. It involved a very restricted elimination diet.

The Paddison Program was working. So in my quest to learn more about this low fat whole food plant based way of eating, on February 29th of 2015 I downloaded Dr. McDougall’s book, The Starch Solution and devoured the info on his website as well as in his book.

In March of 2016 I had another blood test to measure the results. I had been on an elimination diet which is a restrictive low fat WBPB diet.

On March 15 of 2016 My total cholesterol was 179 and my LDL was 126 (It was up from 120 in Aug of 2015, but my total was down). My BUN/Creatinine Ratio was down to 12 (normal), My RA Factor was 8.1 (over 13.9 is high). Glucose 82.

I was hoping my cholesterol drop would be better, so I asked my doctor if we could do another test in May of 2016. My this time I had dropped down to 140 pounds, 18 pounds lighter than when I began a low fat WFPB diet.

May 11, 2016, My weight was at 140lbs. My total Cholesterol was 167 and my LDL 113. My Bun/Creatinine Ratio was down to 7 (considered low and below normal but not a red flag). My glucose serum 86.

I was slowly recovering flexibility and strength. Yoga at home and walking were helping me to build muscle and strength, and following knee exercises I learned from Paddison, my knees began to heal.

By May of 2017 I weighed 137 pounds. That was 20 pounds less than when I first began following a low fat WFPB diet.

But I have since gained back 7 pounds, and my joint pains in my hands, elbows, and feet have come back even though I have not lost the strength I regained back in 2016.

My weight gain is do to a combination of things--eating out a lot more often than we have in the past, regularly eating sourdough bread (refined flour), eating tofu in the Pho we have been eating out, eating lots of fruit, more than 3 or 4 pieces a day, and instead of 3 or 4 corn tortillas with my dinners I have been eating 6 to 8 at one sitting, and I will occasionally indulge in a 10 inch flour tortilla made with bleached flour and canola oil as a snack.
I started eating from the batches of oatmeal prepared by my husband with three cups of groats (great) but also 1/4 cup of pecan, 1/4 cup of almonds, 1/4 cup of walnuts and 10 dates (not conducive to weight loss).

I had given up coffee, but for some reason got back on it and this past week I decided to quit it again and am drinking tea instead, but I have been sweetening it with soy milk and honey.

I would like to get back down to 137, and then drop further. I weighed 135 when I was in my twenties and was fit and trim. That is my weight goal.

And I want to get my inflammatory arthritis to be back to where it was earlier this year, before I started eating foods that promote weight gain. They are generally higher in protein and I think this is a factor that slows down my healing of my arthritic condition. I may need to eliminate beans and oatmeal for a while, and see if that is necessary, but first I’ll cut out those foods that are not advised on the Maximum Weight Loss Diet.

I have discovered I am sensitive to gluten, based on three separate episodes where I got severely ill and bedridden for two days each after eating food with fake meat made with gluten, before McDougall’s book The Starch Solution, and once after eating a bagel made using gluten.

Re: July 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 8:42 pm
by amandamechele
TrimFitMe wrote:New here. Hope I am doing this right. I want to weigh in for the first time. I have gotten as low at 138 but since November have crept up to 147. It's a combination of things--eating out, eating sourdough bread (refined flour), eating tofu, eating lots of fruit, and instead of 3 or 4 corn tortillas, 6 to 8 at one sitting.

I would like to get back down to 138, and then drop further. I weighed 135 when I was in my twenties and fit and trim. That is my goal.

Hi TrimFitMe,

Here is a link to the December Weigh-In Thread.

I'll repost your message there, so you don't have to. Welcome!


Re: July 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 3:21 pm
by TrimFitMe
Amy, thank you for reposting my post. I just edited it today, Saturday Dec 2. Yesterday when I wrote it, I was in a hurry to get out the door, and I wanted to complete my post before I left for the evening. But it was very short and incomplete so I have edited it and added a lot of background. I did find my way to the weigh in page yesterday, and weighed in. But I have not been there since yesterday.

Re: July 2017 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:22 am
by amandamechele
TrimFitMe wrote:Amy, thank you for reposting my post. I just edited it today, Saturday Dec 2. Yesterday when I wrote it, I was in a hurry to get out the door, and I wanted to complete my post before I left for the evening. But it was very short and incomplete so I have edited it and added a lot of background. I did find my way to the weigh in page yesterday, and weighed in. But I have not been there since yesterday.

Thanks for the update, I'll also repost that in the December thread. I just wanted to confirm that you have found the December thread and can see all of the others in the group posting and supporting each other. It's much more active than this older thread.
