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Grams of fat

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 1:18 pm
by Beaner
Only after restricting my fat intake to under 10 grams was I able to see some results. Is this common, or am I more fat sensitive than others? Thanks!

Re: Grams of fat

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:37 am
by frozenveg
Really, it is just a matter of calories--the intake and expenditure of calories--that makes any person lose weight. You may have a tendency to be more fat-sensitive, but really, excess dietary fat does no one any favors!

Rather than looking at the number of grams, it is more useful to look at the fat percentage of your daily calories. Most foods contain some portion of each of fat, protein and carbohydrates (although meat has no carbohydrates at all), and so it's much better to look at the proportions, and then try to keep your fat calorie intake to 10% of your daily calories or lower.

I understand that you are still eating meat, and meat will make it a real challenge to stay under 10%. But you can work towards that goal!

I don't know what you are using to track your intake, but you could try CRON-O-Meter, which I find pretty easy to use and helpful. Here is some info from CRON-O-Meter that might be informative: 4 ounces, cooked, of 90% lean ground beef has 12.6 g of fat--which is 46.8% fat--the rest is protein. Whereas a medium potato, same calories, contains .4 g fat, or 1.7% of your calories.

Re: Grams of fat

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 12:14 pm
by Beaner
Thanks frozenveg. Even extra lean ground beef, lean pork, and skinless chicken still has fat! I am done with red meat, chicken will take time, as for fish, coming from a place where seafood was a staple (Nova Scotia) that will be tough!

Re: Grams of fat

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 10:04 am
by frozenveg
Well, you are making a start, and that is something. You van build from success to success, and I hope you can lose the weight you are trying to lose!