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JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:39 am
by Debbie
Just remembered, cause the days of the week are all messed up for me, the weigh in is tomorrow!!!

I will come and add more later...Please remember, I only need how much you lost or gained from the last weigh in! It is up to you how much you want to share....but for my purposes, I only need the actual number.

Lets give January all we got!! Awesome group of happy losers....we've got a lot!!! :-D

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:10 am
by Quiltbug
Brand new here--excited to have found the group! Looking forward to a healthy January! :-D

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:33 am
by Belties
I've never participated in a forum or board, see I'm not even sure what to call it!! But the January 2015 McDougall Weigh In group was on my facebook feed this morning and I thought I could use some accountability and I'd like to encourage others. I started with "Forks over Knives" in March 2014 and moved from there to an intensive study of Esselstyn, Campbell and McDougall. Over time, I have learned that my body and mind respond best to starch centered.I am a "old" Registered Nurse and my nutrition education is from the early 80s. I'm trying to unlearn and relearn. For Christmas I gave myself the first four of Jeff Novick's DVDs. I'm looking forward to delving more into the science of nutrition. My husband and I have seen benefits of our diet change that are phenomenal. For him, weight loss, cessation of severe headaches and indigestion, and a cholesterol level that plummeted 80 points in just three weeks. For me, my weight dropped ten pounds and my seemed to reset. My blood pressure dropped from the 180s/90s to normal. I've been refusing to go on BP meds for the last several years. And my cholesterol has been in the high 200s for years and I did not want to take statins either. I haven't had blood work or a check up in over 2 years....nurse's are the worst.....but I'm going to change that. I have an appointment for January 20th for a physical. The holidays and three college students back in the house have been devastating to our diet and my husband and I both are ready to recommit to the lifestyle that we know is the best for us. I am a 51 year old post menopausal female, empty nester and I'm trying to gather the courage to face this second half of life. My Dad died at age 50 with a massive heart attack so I'm a little unsure what this second half is supposed to look like. Esselstyn Campbell and McDougall families are providing me with an encouraging template!! Just being starch based since March 2014 gave me the courage and energy to get my RYT-200 on October 4th, 2014. Though I am not interested in teaching yoga classes, I am teaching my husband and I'm interested in helping people one on one and incorporating my nursing experience in joint replacement, yoga experience and my newfound nutrition knowledge. I am 5'10" and weigh 166lbs and I've been at this weight for 6 months. I'd like to drop 10lbs to 156 and I think that I need the Maximum Weight Loss program to fine tune my diet to do this. So weigh in is tomorrow?

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:35 am
by berryblue
Hi, joining in too for the first time, let's do this!
Let's see if I can include my newly crafted ticker in my email:

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:04 am
by lynsul01
I want to weigh in with this group too. I haven't participated before. looking forward to some motivation from the group! :D

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:15 am
by Carolyn68
I was a vegetarian for 7 yrs but ate mostly dairy and soy, I was diagnoses with breast cancer in 2008 and went vegan. I first read China study where I got Dr. Mcdougall name. I recently read the starch solution and got his dvd. I am including more starch in my diet and just now giving up oils. I am 5"8 155 pounds so I only want to loose another 10 pounds. I tend to carry my weight all in my stomach. Typically once a year someone who I didnt know would ask me how far along was I in my pregnancy ! I finally reach the age no one ask that any more LOL . Im 47 tomorrow.

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:42 am
by lynsul01
Im trying to post my ticker tape!

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:53 am
by bethaashley

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:05 am
by Lizzy_F
Hi all!

This is officially my first weigh in with the group so no gain/loss this week.

Starting weight 188.6 for this challenge. I'm going to put my numbers out there for accountability.

I look forward to getting to know everyone!

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:25 am
by catherine1305
Hi all

I need to join so I can stay on top. I started fresh but when I weighed in I had gained not a good way to start, I too saw the post on facebook about the group so decided to become accountable at eating plant based. I have to tools I just need to eat better. After work I'm cleaning out my cupboards.


Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:29 am
by julie13
I am new to the weigh in group this month. I have tried McDougall-ing several times before, but I keep finding myself back to my old habits. I have been meat-free for 11 years, so that is not a problem. Coca-cola is my achilles heel. It is like a gateway to junk food for me! I have quit drinking Coke many times over the years, and each time it is more difficult. So, I am weaning down on it slowly as I turn away from my go-to bagels, pretzels, and salty snacks. I am on 14 ounces today, and I'll cut two ounces each day. I'm hoping this will curb the crazy headaches that I usually suffer through when I quit drinking Coke. I've been reading McDougall, Ornish, Robbins, Campbell, and others for many years, and I am finally ready. Never look back!!

My goal is to lose 50 pounds!

(If someone would be kind enough to tell me how to post my tickerfactory ticker here, I'd be grateful)

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:39 am
by Angelinashaw
This is my first time posting or participating in a weigh in. I'm 5'9", 45 years old and I've slowly gone from around 140 to 168 pounds since hitting my 40's and I'd really like to get back down to around 140 or less. Hopefully I can figure out how to get the ticker by tomorrow :)

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:50 am
by Sandra760
Please sign me up for this group! I'm excited to join, and looking forward to getting to know all of you! I'm a 54 year old stay-at-home-mom to my beautiful 14 year old daughter. I have been very unhealthy for a very long time & have a LOT of weight to lose. This ain't my first rodeo, but this time I have to stick with it ... I just can't do this to myself & my family any longer! Good luck to all of you, and have a HAPPY HEALTHY JANUARY 2015!!

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:16 am
by Vegesaurus
I'm in (let's not talk about that false start in December). So excited to see what the next month brings! Since I started just a few days ago, I've noticed I've had no heartburn, cravings or stuffiness in the morning. I've been a junk food vegetarian for 25 years and I'm ready to make the shift. I'm a busy (almost) 46-year-old working mom of 2 4th graders and I finally made the time to both plan and prep some meals and I've now seen just how easy this can be. I have 70+ pounds to lose and I'm looking forward to feeling freer and lighter!

Re: JANUARY 2015 McDougall Weigh In Group

PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:17 am
by Tina Girton
Sign me up! I tried the December weight loss, but soon realized it was not going to happen-too many parties to focus on losing weight for me.

I'm 52 and have been plant based 3 1/2 years, but have not given up oil for any length of time. I'm needing accountability. My family eats the SAD (for those who don't know that's Standard American Diet) so they have all the "crap food" in the house. LOL!

I'm looking forward to this!