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Costco... samples of frozen, Organic Kale..

PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 9:20 pm
by patty
Of course I was surprised they were giving out samples of cooked Kale. In checking the label of the frozen Kale packaging I was surprised the fat to calorie was 40 to 80.. I think that was it. i had looked at their Brussels sprouts too and it was about the same ratios. A young man came up to check out the packaging as I was putting it back. And I pointed out the fat content was high which of course was puzzling to him too, then I pointed out on the ingredient list, the bottom one was oil. And that of course why it tasted so good. They were appealing to the hypereater to keep the consumer in check. In reflection I think young man practiced a paleo diet, where the oil wouldn't matter as he went ahead to purchase it. Steamed kale with lemon is just a tasty, without the natural consequences of the added oil.

Aloha, patty