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Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:37 am
by ♥ Amy ♥
Hey John - just read your journal and I have to say its super inspiring! Thank you!!

It seems so simple - I read all the posts together and it seems like your fall back is to just 'eat a potato'. I think that is STELLAR advice and one that I would like to try.

I have so many clothes that are too small on me that its sort of obscene. I've been hanging on to them because I refuse to accept my current weight as forever, yet the irony is I haven't really been doing anything about it. Of course, I am trying to change that now.

Thanks for sharing - I think your posts are great. Also thinking about trying your sweet potato crisp recipe.

Oh and if its not too dumb - can you share with me how you steam your veggies? I know this sounds like an asinine question but I am that much of a novice in the kitchen.

Thanks and keep up the EXCELLENT work!

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:50 pm
by JohnLarson
Amy. I have a steamer insert (

I plan on getting a bigger one soon. I sometimes put lemon wedges and garlic skins in the water. I sprinkle seasonings on top.

I am trying to keep this simple. Reading the journals has helped me lots. Glad mine is being read.


BS: 153

B: 1c Oatmeal w/ banana
L: (late) tacos

I basically skipped lunch today, was not hungry and was busy at work. Most likely I will have something else tonight.

I was going thru some stuff at work. I came across an XL t-shirt that was given to us as a promo item. Seems most are L or XL. Being a 3XL meant I never got any. Heck, I have only have gotten a few 2XL (wearing a Monster Energy Drink shirt now) shirts. So, here was this dusty XL t-shirt for Crysis 2 (a video game) laying around. I took it in the bathroom and tried it on. While it did not fit great. I did fit without having to stretch it out. My stomach and chest are still way too big to wear this XL shirt, but it helped me put some things in better perspective. I brought the shirt home. I will not be purchasing a bunch of XL shirts if I am able to wear them. I am pretty sure that when I hit my goal I will be wearing large, not extra large.

A guy noticed my weight loss and asked what I had been doing to lose weight. I told him I started smoking crack. He knew I was joking. I did not want to get into a debate. The guy is skinny. I think that played a part in my response. I work with four obese guys. I think one is trying this out. I have talked to all four about this WOE. Two of them have been with me at Golden Coral and have seen me chow down.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 9:47 pm
by ~Beth~
A guy noticed my weight loss and asked what I had been doing to lose weight. I told him I started smoking crack. He knew I was joking. I did not want to get into a debate. The guy is skinny. I think that played a part in my response. I work with four obese guys. I think one is trying this out. I have talked to all four about this WOE. Two of them have been with me at Golden Coral and have seen me chow down.

It's so nice when people notice the weight loss. At least I think it is. One of my friends gets offended if people ask her if she is losing weight?? But it does get old telling them what you are doing and getting such a negative reaction much of the time.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:27 pm
by JohnLarson
~Beth~ I just need to say thank you to them and move on. I still have lots to go. Once I am closer to my goal debating will be easier. My wife is convinced that eating all these potatoes is going to cause me to gain weight. She attributes my weight loss to my stopping drinking Diet Mountain Dew and doing the treadmill.


So I ate a few evening snacks since I had a late lunch/early dinner.

S: Grapefruit
S: 2 fat free fig newtons (yes, only 2)
S: air popped popcorn

I also did the treadmill for an hour and did not change my program (lots of inclines). I also messed with the dumb bells.

I researched a little into Jack LaLanne tonight. He was mentioned in another thread. I really do not know much about him, not nearly as much as I thought. Two really great quotes:

if man made it, don't eat it

Look at the average American diet: ice cream, butter, cheese, whole milk, all this fat. People don't realize how much of this stuff you get by the end of the day. High blood pressure is from all this high-fat eating. Do you know how many calories are in butter and cheese and ice cream? Would you get your dog up in the morning for a cup of coffee and a donut? Probably millions of Americans got up this morning with a cup of coffee, a cigarette and a donut. No wonder they are sick and fouled up.

This guy was way before his time. I have no interest in being a juicer, but I think I am going to read more. I know that exercise and physical activity are crucial to my new way of life. Sitting in the recliner is so much easier. He also said something on the Dr McDougall podcast about thinkers and doers. I want to be a doer.

I also discovered the free podcasts. This is better than the YouTube videos. The fact that so much information is out here for free blows my mind.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:01 pm
by JohnLarson

BS: 124

B: 1c oatmeal w/banana
L: tacos with left over chili
D: more tacos

No exercise. Put in extra long day at work


BS: 133

B: 1c oatmeal w/banana
L: steamed veggies (onion, mushrooms, zucchini, and broccoli w/fresh garlic and spices)

So I have not liked my dial scale since day one. Well today I bought a digital scale. Today is not a weigh in day, but of course I had to try it out. 234.0. This was before lunch. I stepped on the dial scale, 227. I adjusted the dial scale, but will no longer be using it. I know the adjustment wheel can get bumped. Maybe by Saturday I will not show a gain, but who knows. I feel good and my clothes are fitting great. I also am losing face fat. I have indents on my cheeks that look almost like I need to shave or have a bruise because of the shadow.

Today I will be doing the treadmill during TNF (Thursday Night Football).

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 3:11 pm
by soul food
Wow, you are doing great John. I just zoomed through looking at only the bs #'s and it looks like although they flutuate, they are going consistently down.

I just can't get motivated to exercise. I am working on several things, so I'll get them down first and then focus on the exercise part.

soul food

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 10:10 pm
by JohnLarson
D: Salad, one leftover golden potato, gardenia mix, Melba toast.

I did the treadmill for 60 minutes and a few dumb bell exercises.

This evening I ran into someone that had not seen me in a few months. That felt good. I have lots to go, but it is nice that people notice. She asked what I was doing. I guess her husband is a big guy. I tried to explain it and suggested forks over knives on Netflix.

I ordered a larger steam pot that matched what I already have from eBay. I am steaming larger and larger groups of veggies. I hope it shows up this weekend.

I discussed the garden plans with my wife. I am not 100% sure if I want to do it or not. We have a good spot. She has had a garden before. It might be more work/commitment than I am willing to do. I have really enjoyed shopping at the produce stand. So who knows.

I have an old (like new) bicycle in the back yard that needs repair. I think I will fix that this weekend. Between that and the motorcycle, I should have plenty to fill my spare time with.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:07 am
by JohnLarson

BS: 133

B: 1/2c oatmeal w/banana
L: none
D: take out Chinese food (steamed white rice, steamed veggies with some sort of shiny brown sauce, egg roll and one crab rangoon) not all on plan. I asked for plain steamed veggies with no sauce. My plan was to spray with Braggs Aminos. This meal was with my wife and from one of our favorite places. This was only our second time out to eat since I have started this WOE.

I did the treadmill for one hour.

I ordered a larger steam pot from eBay, it came yesterday. I am looking forward to using it this weekend.

Today, weigh in day! 230.8. I was expecting it to be higher. I now have a digital scale. My old scale was off. I feel like I have lost. So I am not worrying about the new number. I will be in the 220's next week.

BS: 144

B: 1c oatmeal w/banana, grapefruit and some grapes

I have a cookout to go to today. There will be nothing for me there to eat. So I will be eating before. I will be trying out my new larger steam pot today. I went to the produce stand yesterday, so I have lots of goodies to steam. I also broke out the rice cooker. I added water first. I guess I am going to redo my meal from last night.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:01 am
by ~Beth~
You're really going to like the digital scale. Sounds like you have one that measures in 0.2 pound increments, which is nice.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:09 am
by JohnLarson
It has been a while since I posted on here. My computer time has been brief, which is not a bad thing.

I survived the cook out. I even at some lettuce, tomatoes, and onions that were not getting much attention on the burgers. I think they threw away some of it before I had a chance to speak up. I am glad I ate before and brought my own water. I did have three small bites of birthday cake.

There was a woman there that had gotten weight loss surgery five years ago. She is not as big as she used to be, but she she is very large now. She was sure not to eat the bun for her cheeseburger. I went home and got on the treadmill.

Sunday, no one came over for football, so I did yard work and took my daughter out driving. I had the games recorded, so watched them later. I did not even eat any pretzels. I am really enjoying steamed mushrooms. I ate two batches on Sunday. I did the treadmill.

Monday, work was pretty busy, very physical. I still did the treadmill. I ate at Subway for lunch. While it was good, I could have survived without it. Monday evening I thought about my goals and desires. MNF was boring and I am over the debates. I have decided to change my eating a little more. I found myself eating lunch, because it was lunch time, not because I was that hungry. I start my day at 7 am with a 1 cup bowl of oatmeal and a banana. I normally eat dinner between 5 - 6 pm. I can make a salad pretty quickly with romaine, tomato and cucumber with dressing. While eating that I can have other items cooking. I think I can just drink water during the day and miss lunch or if I eat lunch, just do a salad for dinner. Also, no matter what, I need to do the treadmill for an hour. If I want to watch TV, I need to be moving. No treadmill, no TV. I feel real good where I am at, but I do not want to settle for good. I want to be fit. It took me a long time to get to where I am at and it is going to take time to get to where I want to be.

Tuesday and Wednesday I put the two meal plan to the test. I was just fine. Even when I got home for dinner I was not any more hungry than normal. Having a breakfast has really changed my attitude. This might change, but for now. I am going to skip lunch, I might do a snack, but having a meal when I am not hungry just does not make any sense. When I was on the meds, if I got too hungry, it really messed up my head. I do not feel that any more. I did the treadmill both nights. I really wanted to take a break or quit both nights. The treadmill is boring. I have to have it as a priority. That or get rid of the TV.

My blood sugar has been in the 140-155 range these last few days. I am pretty sure I need to lose weight to get that number lower. I will have blood work done in a few weeks and talk to the doctor about my current medication non-usage.

I have the digital scale in the bathroom and find myself getting on it lots. I am not sure if it is a good thing or bad thing. I know there are times I like what it says and other times I do not. I am not sure what impact the numbers have on my attitude and actions. I do know it goes up and down lots. I will do my best to wait until weigh-in day (Saturday) to get on it again. I think the roller coaster is not worth the ride.

Friday night is opening night for our local minor league hockey team, which I am a season ticket holder. In the past, this has been an evening of a giant coke, popcorn or a big pretzel. It might just be water this year. Heck, I might even bring water in from home (or try).

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:11 am
by JohnLarson
Weigh-in day!

229.0 - lost 1.8 lbs for the week. I am back in the 220's with an accurate scale. I am going to stop weighing so much and just do it weekly.

BS: 125

I can already tell this is going to be a great day.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:41 pm
by ~Beth~
Congrats on the weight loss and the low blood sugar this morning :)

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:05 pm
by JohnLarson
We had $20 worth of JC Penny gift certificates that came in the mail a few days ago. Most of the time my wife and kids use these up. I mentioned to my wife that I would like a to get a new belt. She mentioned that I could use the gift certificates for a belt.

So I went to JC Penny's and while there, I thought I would see if I could fit into some 36" waist loose fit Levi's. I was wearing 40" waist 560 (very loose fitting) when I started this WOE and recently found some 38" waist 569 (also very loose fitting) in storage that I had out grown. I was very excited to be wearing the 38" waist. So I tried on some 36" 569. The were still pretty loose. So I grabbed some other loose fitting Levi's and a pair of "regular" cut 505. Thy 505's fit pretty good. I was thinking about buying the 505 jeans as I was surprised that they fit. I still not had even looked at belts and had been going back and forth trying on jeans. Then I thought I would try on some 501's, just to see how far I still needed to go. Maybe I will just wait to fit into some 501's before buying any jeans. I was pretty sure I would not be able to get them over my thighs and this would get me back to shopping for a belt.

They fit. I called the wife and bought three pairs of 36" Levi button fly 501's and a 36" belt. I still have lots of weight to lose, maybe one day these jeans will be baggy or loose on me.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:37 am
by peasouper
Lovely John! I bet you feel good in those levi's! I bet you look good too :unibrow:


Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:26 pm
by JohnLarson
~Beth~ The blood sugar is getting much better.

peasouper I am feeling pretty great about the jeans. When I get to 220 I will post before and after pics. 220 will be overweight and not obese.


Yesterday's meals:

B: 1/2c oatmeal w/banana (well less than 1/2c - it boiled over in microwave)
D: yellow potatoes, zucchini, mushrooms, onions with spaghetti sauce
S: daiquiri ice cone at Baskin-Robbins (31 cent cone special - should had gotten it in a cup)

Here is the info on the cone:

Daiquiri Ice

If you put your ear up to this summery lime ice with a splash of rum flavoring, you can hear the ocean.


Water, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Lime Puree Base (Water, Sugar, Lime Juice Concentrate, Natural Flavor), Natural Flavor, Citric Acid, Stabilizer Blend (Locust Bean Gum, Modified Cellulose, Guar Gum), Nature Identical Rum Flavor, Artificial Color (Blue 1, Yellow 5).

I enjoyed the frozen treat and was glad I could enjoy a cone with my wife. Pair that with getting the jeans later that night, yesterday was an awesome day.

Treadmill for an hour


BS: 133

B: 1/2c oatmeal w/banana
S: apple slices
L: salad, brown rice, steamed brussel sprouts
D: russet potatoes, steamed mushrooms and onions w/mustard, steamed Normandy mix
S: Homemade bread with honey (two small slices)

Treadmill for an hour (might do some more during second half of SNF). Did dumbbell exercises, did curls with 20 lbs for first time. Besides the bread, no "junk" food for football (pretzels, pretzel thins, baked tortillas). While those are not really junk food, and McDougall friendly, I am trying to do more MWL. I am still feeling a little burned by the dial scale and want to get below 220. I did sneak on the scale this morning (227.8), but that will be it until Saturday.

I also want to make sure I drink more water. Before, when my sugar was high, I would drink tons of water, I could never get enough. Now I need to force myself to drink more. I think I am getting plenty of water, but I am sure that drinking 20 ounces of water before eating would be a good thing.