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Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:08 am
by JohnLarson
Blood Surgar 157.

No treadmill yesterday. Will do it today.

Had a friend over, he ate cheese dip while I had baked corn tortillas and salsa. We watched the race, some preseason football, and then forks over knives. He has many health issues. He has type2 diabetes, but is not over weight. I think he feels there are certain foods he can't live without.

The best thing for me to do for him and for others I am close to is to be successful in this WOE. My hope is to be under 200, healthy and full of energy. Once I take care of me, I can attempt to help others.

I had a food dream last night, it was odd. I took a bite of a McDonalds sandwich and then ran to the bathroom to spit it out. In the dream I was talking to myself in the mirror. I might start a thread about this.

It is going to be a great day!

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:33 pm
by LaurieRD
John I'm so excited for you! Isn't it wonderful to lose weight and not be hungry?

I'm glad you're checking your blood sugar carefully-- sounds like it's coming down a little. Do you check later in the day as well? It would be interesting to see if it was higher or lower related to whether you eat bread/flour.

You might look at the Maximum Weight Loss thread for more thoughts on losing a little more quickly, though 5 lbs in a week is great!

Keep posting! I want to know how you are!


Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:12 am
by JohnLarson
I am not doing flour at home, but when eating out I am eating a little bread. I just eat fruit in my oatmeal. So I am pretty close to the MWL now.

Last night I checked my surgar before bed, it was 140. It was higher in the morning. I am trying to only check in the morning. I have not consulted my doctor about going off meds, but I was not taking them regularly any way. That is why they put me on the shots, for not taking my pills. When I am under 240 lbs, I will make an appointment. I was 273 last time they saw me, so it will be good to get some numbers ran. I am not sure when the last time I did "fasting" labs. I have not been a very good patient. I know that I should have consulted with the doctors first. For now, I am relying on how I feel.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:02 am
by JohnLarson
Blood Surgar at 175.

No exercise yesterday. I got sidetracked. For sure doing it today.

Went out to eat, had a little bread, I think I can go out and skip the bread next time. I only drank one glass of water and was not "dying" of thirst. This is a big change.

I went the whole day without caffine, it was not planned. I just did not have any ice tea. I think I will take a caffine break. I have plenty of energy.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 10:39 am
by Melinda
Sounds like you're doing great John! :-D

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:37 am
by JohnLarson
Blood Surgar: 157

Treadmill last night 60 min at 2.5 mph.

I was out of town working and was not at home for dinner. It was after 9 and I had two hours to drive. I went to a Wendy's and got two baked potatoes. It was under $3. And very good.

I also did not drink any ice tea, two days in a row no caffine. My energy level has been high. I can tell how my clothes feel that I am losing weight.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:49 am
by carollynne
Welcome to MCDougalling land of good health, and no pills either!
Hey you are doing wonderful, and I just wanted to say keep at this and there will be undeniable results for all to see and to appreciate.
Good for you, for taking charge and taking ownership of your own health. It will only get better and better as you go on.
I too love the MWL plan and when I stick to it like glue, I lose a lot faster.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 9:36 pm
by JohnLarson
Weighed in a day early. Going to switch to Saturdays.

I lost 5 more lbs. That is 5 lbs each week.

Blood surgar was at 188. I had a later than normal snack of banana and strawberries the night before.

I bought an air popper for pop corn. The spray stuff says it contains milk. I will use it sparingly. It is really really good. I went to a cookout and one of the hosts was a vegan. My wife suggested to them to just make me a couple of potatoes. They had lasagna, one pan with meat, one without meat, but they both had cheese! I did not say anything. I got an earful about potatoes having lots of starch and it turns to surgar and makes people fat. My wife is concerned about the not taking meds. I will see the doctors the week after next. My potatoes were excellent.

Speaking of next week, on Tuesday I go visit my Mom, then my Grandparents, then my Brother and his family and my Father. My Mom is a type one diabetic and does not know I am a type 2. No body I am visiting knows. I have told my Mom of this WOE (no cheese ever??) and the first two weeks of weight loss. I was 273 or so last time she saw me, so I am excited.

A co-worker noticed the weight loss and me not drinking Dt Mt Dew anymore. I gave him a link to the website.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:18 pm
by scooterpie
I bet your Mom will be extra thrilled when she sees you--keep up the good work!

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:17 pm
by JohnLarson
I am back from my time with my family out of town.

I might have lost 1 lb. I am calling it even. I did not gain.

Blood sugar was 158 this morning.

I ate way too much bread and had a few "vegetarian" dishes that were not on plan at all. My mom was upset that I did not want to eat pie at a restaurant with her. Which was odd, since I have never been a big pie eater. Most of the time was "can you eat ____?" I tired to explain that it was about choices and that I can eat whatever I want, but choose not to eat certain things. I had good days and not good days. Just oils and flours. I still can't get over how much cheese and oils are in vegetarian dishes. One place had in the vegetarian section rice pilaf, but the rice was made with chicken stock? wtf! Also they had green beans soaked in some sort of oil. Crazy.

I went to the VA for lab work and will see my doctor September 20th. I think I will bring my scale, I am starting to doubt that I started at 260, because my clothes did not start feeling looser until I started this WOE. What ever my start weight was, I know I am losing by how my clothes fit. I am on my last belt hole. I have used every hole on this belt. The last two just recently. My pants fall down without unbuckling.

Doing the treadmill tonight!

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:31 pm
by danmc
I went through that whole "can you eat...?" thing many years ago when I became vegetarian too and used the same explanation that you do. BTW, moms just don't get's some kind of universal law! :lol:

When I first explained about the McD WOE to her, which I took up because of arthritis, she kept insisting that I was "on a diet," i.e. that I was trying to lose weight. I keep telling her that I'm not "on a diet" I just eat healthy, but have recently given up. I just nod and say, "Yes, I'm on a diet, about 30 more pounds to go..." (I'm 6'5" and 175, so that's just a joke to freak her out...)

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:57 am
by JohnLarson
Weighed in today. I lost weight, but not as much as I was losing.

My clothes are more loose and I feel great, no caffine since I have been back home. Only have been on the treadmill twice last week. I am going to start making that a daily routine. I am also going to cut back on how much I eat certain foods. I think I have gone over board with my veggie tacos and popcorn.

Really, losing 17 pounds in 5 weeks is pretty damn good. The first 15 sort of fell off. I am going in the right direction.

Off to the treadmill.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:05 am
by JohnLarson
Nothing real new to report, but thought I should at least update my journal.

I did the treadmill last night for an hour at 3 mph. I have some dumbbells and did a few things with them. Getting them from under the bed was the biggest step as far as they go. My goal is to do the treadmill and weights while watching TV. Even if it is every other day, it is a start.

I am sleeping better than I have in ages and I am full of energy. I have not had caffeine since I returned from visiting family a few weeks ago. I am also just refilling water bottles, so my drink expenses have gone to zero.

Last week I bought a couple large bags of birds-eye brand frozen vegetables, a California mix and a Normandy mix. I have found I like to steam them with a couple of lemon pieces in there. I think I was more 90% starch, 7% vegetable, and 3% fruit. I am now getting closer to 60/35/5. I might work at getting more fruits in there.

I think the Starch Solution recommends 70/20/10 and MWL recommends 50/40/10.

I am looking forward to weighing in tomorrow. My clothes are fitting much looser. On last belt hole.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:28 pm
by JohnLarson
Weigh in day, lost 4lbs this week!

Did treadmill last night. Will do it today.

I learned to ake hummus and found some fat free pita bread. Attempting to make corn chips with the spritzer method.

Feeling good today.

Re: New way of eating - one day at a time

PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:48 am
by JohnLarson
Blood surgar at 160 this morning.

I did the treadmill last night for an hour (did it the day before). I plan on doing it tonight. I am not sure how many days in a row I have done it. Not more than three.

Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment at the VA, they did blood work a few weeks back. My weight might get adjusted. I do not think my scale was accurate to start with. I did not think I was 260 to start. I think my home scale is over 10lbs off. I am losing weight, I just might need to adjust my scale. I will get my numbers and post.

I have been reading lots. I am grateful that I have a relationship with God and I am able to turn things over and let them go. It would be nice to have some people in my life that I could see face to face on a regular basis that are in this WOE. I have never been to overeaters anonymous, but I am thinking about it. I have not really applied the 12 steps to my eating. Maybe I was in denial, I just think it was plain old SAD and like many Americans, I just ate food not meant for humans. My expierence with vegeterians and vegans has not been positive, so I think that is a non-starter.

No caffine for two and a half weeks and I have more energy than ever.

I am eating more vegetables these past few days. Leaning more MWL with occasional flour products. Less and less of them.